Flexibility: Enjoy the freedom to create and include as many questions as you need, ensuring comprehensive surveys that capture all the necessary information.
Extensive Answer Options: Choose from various question types, including multiple-choice, rating scale, open-ended, and close-ended questions. This variety enables you to tailor your surveys to meet specific requirements.
Admin Panel: Take full control of your surveys through the intuitive admin panel. Manage and monitor survey activities effortlessly, making adjustments as needed.
Statistics: Stay informed with up-to-date and dynamic statistics. Gain valuable insights into survey responses, both at the survey and question levels, enabling you to make data-driven decisions.
Export to CSV: Easily export survey statistics to CSV format, allowing for further analysis.
Versatile Question Types: Benefit from 8 pre-built question types. These questions offer a wide range of answer options, ensuring flexibility and accuracy in survey responses.
Customizable Question Types: For developers, mySurvey provides the flexibility to create custom question types and templates. This capability allows for specialized surveys that cater to unique requirements.
Survey Themes: Enhance the visual appeal of your surveys with responsive survey themes.
Language: Conduct surveys in any language you prefer.
One-Click Install: Get started quickly with mySurvey’s easy installation process. With just one click, you’ll be up and running, ready to create and publish your surveys.
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