Fundme - Crowdfunding Platform

Fundme - Crowdfunding Platform
On Sale

FundMe is a Laravel-based crowdfunding platform designed to bring communities together to support various causes. It allows administrators to manage campaigns while empowering volunteers and members to create and oversee fundraising efforts seamlessly.

Key Features of FundMe

For Members and Organizers

Unlimited Campaigns: Volunteers can create as many campaigns as needed.

Campaign Updates: Keep donors informed with real-time updates.

Profile Management: Upload avatars, change passwords, and update personal information.

Donation Management: View and manage campaign donations.

Social Sharing: Share campaigns easily across social media platforms.

Reward System: Option to include rewards for contributors.

Payment Integrations

PayPal and Stripe: Integrated for hassle-free payments.

Bank Transfer Support: Manual payment options for wider accessibility.

Multiple Currencies: Attract global donors with multi-currency support.

Admin Panel Features

SEO Optimization: Customize site keywords and descriptions for better search rankings.

Campaign Oversight: Add, edit, and manage all active campaigns.

Member Management: Monitor, edit, and control user accounts.

Site Customization: Update site name, title, and welcome message.

Donation Insights: Access detailed donation statistics.

Page Management: Add or modify pages like Privacy Policy, Help, etc.

Advanced Security

XSS Protection: Safeguard against cross-site scripting.

Bcrypt Password Hashing: Secure and encrypted password storage.

Technology Stack

Laravel 11 Framework

Bootstrap 5 for responsive design

Ajax Pagination: Smooth navigation in campaigns, donations, and updates.

System Requirements

Server Requirements

PHP: >= 8.2

Database: MySQL 5.7 or MariaDB 10.3.17

PHP Extensions

Ctype, cURL, DOM, Fileinfo, Hash, Mbstring, OpenSSL, PCRE, PDO, Session, Tokenizer, XML, GD or Imagick, EXIF.

Additional Configuration

allow_url_fopen must be enabled in PHP.ini.

Optional Paid Add-Ons

Mollie Payment Gateway

Razorpay Payment Gateway

Instamojo Payment Gateway

Paystack Payment Gateway

Benefits of FundMe

Community Building: A platform to connect donors with causes.

Global Accessibility: Multi-currency and translation support.

User-Friendly: Easy-to-navigate interface for both admins and members.

Secure Transactions: Advanced encryption and safe payment methods.

Customization Options: Tailor the site and campaigns to match your branding.

License Option
Quality checked by DigiBazzy
Full Documentation
Future updates
24/7 Support