WordPress API Chainer

14 Sales
WordPress API Chainer

What is WordPress API Chainer?

WordPress API Chainer is a plugin that gets data from any WordPress website and mirror them from cache without saving them in your database.

Can be used for any scenario. Can be used for SEO, can be used as a blog post lister for your forum/social media like website which is doesn’t have by default in your bbpress, buddypress (and etc.) theme. Can be used in anywhere you need to show posts in your website from any other WordPress website (including your own plugin installed website) with powerful filters and designs!

Why do you need that?

Let’s assume you have an huge website that has a lot of traffic and you wanted to power up your new websites traffic with your main website. API Chainer is your tool! You can connect your new website on your main website with API Chainer by mirroring your low traffic website’s posts in your high traffic website!

API Chainer does not only boots up your low traffic website’s indexing speed it’s also boosts your low traffic website’s organic hit, because your new website’s posts will be shown like your high traffic website’s posts and ppl will visit them!

Scenario #1

You have multiple websites and some of them had high traffic but others not and you wanted to boost your low traffic websites traffic. You can achieve this problem by mirroring posts from your low traffic website to your high traffic website and show them!

Scenario #2

You have a forum/social media like website that doesn’t have any blog content in it and you wanted add some blog look to your forum/social media website. You can achieve this problem by mirroring posts from your blog website to your forum/social media website!

Scenario #3

You have a website and you wanted to show some hot news from a WordPress based news website (maybe about the economics?). You can achieve this problem by fetching posts from target website to your website! You can set cache time to 1 hour (or whatever you want) and keep this news feed updated!

Scenario #4

You can mirror your own posts in a specific post type with powerful filtering options and partial caching on your own site, without any other site other than your plugin installed website.

Scenarios are unlimited!

Does API Chainer gets data from every website?

API Chainer gets data from any WordPress website that have open Rest API (which is default)!

In where can I use API Chainer on my website?

API Chainer generates a shortcode and in WordPress you can use shortcodes in everywhere! You can use it in your posts, widgets or anywhere you wanted!

What about Elemantor support?

API Chainer supports Elemantor!

My targeted website uses custom post type, What about custom post types?

Custom post types (CPT) are also supported. If your target WordPress Website have a custom post type that you wanna fetch; you can fetch it by typing that custom post type’s name to shortcode generator.

General Features

  • The design fits perfectly into your site. (There is no any hard coded CSS code in the plugin. Title, content text layout will be stay in the same concept as your website!)
  • One-click usage (literally)!
  • Number of the posts that will be fetched can be adjusted from shortcode generator.
  • Fetched post’s filters(by user, by post type, old to new, new to old, by category etc.) can be adjusted from shortcode generator.
  • Caches of your fetched website’s data and serves the data from cache after first usage.
  • Cache’s timeout can be adjusted from shortcode generator.
  • Caches can be cleared easily from plugin’s panel.
  • Thumbnail size that will be fetched can be adjusted from the shortcode generator (“thumbnail”, “medium”,”full” and etc.)
  • Slider, grid and listing designs!
  • Slider can be fully adjusted from the shortcode generator. (Loop mode, free mode, slider arrows, slider dots, autoplay, slides per view, space between slides etc.)
  • Fancy and flat listing styles!
  • Fancy and flat grid styles!
  • CPT (Custom post type) supported!
  • Follow or nofollow to the links can be adjusted from shortcode generator.
  • Does not effects your website’s speed.
  • Boosts your website’s SEO by chaining their data together.

More features and design types are on the way!

Warnings Before Use

  • Target website must have a Rest API endpoint which is open by default in WordPress. (Some plugins are disabling Rest API of websites or making them private to frontend usage.)
  • Custom post type that will be fetched from target website must be Rest API enabled as it’s default(in the target Website, not on plugin installed website). If it’s not, please contact to theme provider.

Changelog (17.03.2022)

- Fixed an issue that causes wrong content rendering on non-latin chars.

- Fixed an issue that causes extra whitespaces in shortcode (It could cause an error in the slider design.).

- Fixed an issue when target content created by elemantor and content also includes some HTML comment tags in it.
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14 Sales


Jan 08, 2025 06:09 AM

