“WooCommerce Zoomifier” adds a zoom/magnification and lightbox effect to product images along with a customizable image slider. It helps to enhance user experience and sales. When it is hard to get a sense of the real quality and the details of an online product, WooCommerce Zoomifier Plugin allows to see the product images clearly the most so you easily bring your products closer to customers. So it not only helps to improve the website usability but also makes your store more user friendly and professional!
Contact me at wpinstinct@gmail.com
Demo: http://wc.wpinstinct.com/product/woo-vertical-zoomifier-demo/
= 2.1 = * Fixed compatibility issues with latest version of WordPress, WooCommerce and PHP * Fixed JS errors * Updated JS libraries = 2.0 = * Fixed compatibility issues with PHP 7.x * Fixed compatibility issues with latest version of WordPress/WooCommerce * Removed WooCommerce deprecated scripts == 1.7 == * Fixed compatibility issues with WooCommerce 3.x and above eg: Variable product image change on variation change == 1.6 == * Added option to override templates in same way WooCommerce does ( current_theme_name/woocommerce-zoomifier/file_name.php ) * Added action hook for manually add custom scripts after product images * Added a check to see if WooCommerce is active or not before plugin take action * Fixed few CSS issues * Fixed scrolling issues on touch devices == 1.5 == * Fixed "WooCommerce TM Extra Product Options" conflict == 1.4 == * Added "Enable/Disable Zoom on Small Width Devices" option * Added "Enable/Disable Zoom on Double Tap/Click" option to fix scroll issue on small width devices * Added "Slider Transition Speed" option * Added "Enable/Disable Thumbnail Slider" option * Added "Zoomer Easing Speed" option * Added "Lightbox Icon Position" option * Replaced deprecated functions == 1.3 == * Fixed variable products zoom issue * Expanded Lightbox Settings for more options * Fixed sale icon to show on top * Added image filters to load custom size image over default one * Added "Shadow Color" option * Added option to enable/disable arrows on Main Image == 1.2 == * Fixed thumbnails gallery to hide in case of one image only * Fixed CSS issues to stay Zoom Container always on top * Updated plugin folder structure == 1.1 == * Added some new settings eg: Show Image Title * Added custom js hooks on slide change == 1.0 == * Launched the initial version of the plugin
Jan 07, 2025 02:54 AM