WooCommerce SuperCoins – Points and Rewards offer rewards, discounts, and other special incentives as a way to attract and retain customers. They are designed to encourage repeat business, offering people a reward for store/brand loyalty.
Yes, WooCommerce SuperCoins – Points and Rewards extension increase sales and revenue. Customer loyalty matters because repeat customers spend more on each transaction. Loyal customers are more likely to repurchase, refer more, and try a new offering.
Loyal customers can make or break an organization’s profit and revenue goals. Establishing a loyalty program can promote customer retention and even attract new customers. Loyalty and customer reward programs benefit customers in that they can save money on items that they purchase regularly
The collection of SuperCoins is a very powerful tool to involve and loyalize customers and allow them to save money or receive a reward after reaching specific SuperCoin thresholds.
In the landscape of marketing strategies, collector schemes are a milestone in loyalty activities. Thanks to WooCommerce SuperCoins – Points and Rewards, you will be able to encourage users to register to your shop in order to earn SuperCoins, as well as assign SuperCoins on every purchase they make, on specific spent thresholds, on their birthday, on every review published on your products, etc.
SuperCoins redeem automatically through a discount coupon applied to the user’s cart. Easy to set up and manage, our plugin is the definitive solution to build a powerful loyalty program for your customers in just a few minutes.
Improve the user experience by offering clear and immediate feedback about the value of SuperCoins redeemed in the cart. Let users choose and insert the number of SuperCoins to redeem and know the related discount in real-time.
Users can easily keep track of the SuperCoins earned, orders placed and actions related to their SuperCoins from their personal profile.
Create a global rule to define the number of SuperCoins to be assigned based on the product value (e.g. you can assign a higher number of SuperCoins on the purchase of product X only).
Choose whether to enable SuperCoin earning for all the users purchasing on your shop or to make it available only to users with a specific role.
Reward your users by assigning extra SuperCoins when reaching a goal (e.g. extra SuperCoins after placing 100 orders, after spending a total amount of €1000) or on specific conditions (e.g. 5 SuperCoins for every review posted, etc.).
Insert a custom text, upload an icon or an image, change the text and background colors to enhance the message shown to users related to SuperCoins they’ll earn with the purchase of the product.
SuperCoins earned by users can be redeemed as a discount that will apply to their cart. Choose whether to apply the discount as a fixed amount (e.g. €50) or as a percentage (20% on the cart value).
Offer a higher or lower discount to users belonging to a specific role by creating advanced rules for each user role available in your store.
Based on your needs, you can set conditions to let users redeem SuperCoins: for example, you can set a minimum cart amount, a maximum discount on the single product, or on the cart when purchasing with a coupon.
Track users and the SuperCoins earned and edit their profile manually by adding, removing, resetting SuperCoins, or banning users in case of anomalies.
You can choose to remove earned SuperCoins if the order is canceled or refunded and to reassign SuperCoins redeemed with an order that was refunded.
Users can easily keep track of the SuperCoins earned, orders placed and actions related to their SuperCoins from their personal profile.
Following shortcodes are available :
[wsc_supercoin_history] This shortcode is used to list the SuperCoins history anywhere in the website.
[wsc_supercoin_amount] This shortcode is used to show the SuperCoins with its value
We also come with multiple languages supported .po and .mo files.
Thank you for your interest in WooCommerce SuperCoins – Points and Rewards.
31.01.2022 - ver 1.0.9 Feature Added - - Add SuperCoin feature to WooCommerce Grouped Product 11.01.2022 - ver 1.0.8 Fixed issue- - Add translation for Missing text 25.12.2021 - ver 1.0.7 Fixed issue- - Make date localize - Prevent the used coupon deletion 14.11.2021 - ver 1.0.6 Feature Added - - Shortcode added for SuperCoin's History and SuperCoin's Value 20.10.2021 - ver 1.0.5 Feature Added - - Point History endpoint editable on My Account Page - Point History Text editable - Update Language file 08.10.2021 - ver 1.0.4 Feature Added - - Add point information on cart page - Show the redeem points on cart total widget - Add redeem restriction on Cart/Checkout page - Add Points info on Point History menu on MyAccount page 18.09.2021- ver 1.0.3 Fixed bug- - Fix icon/image rendering with Points - Fix the conversion rule on MyAccount dashboard Feature - - Add Redeem Points & Discount information on Coupon generated Table 15.09.2021- ver 1.0.2 Feature added - Enable Generate Coupon from MyAccount page using superCoins - Option to exclude sales item from redeeming supercoins - Enable / Disable Free shipping when redeeming superCoins 06.09.2021- ver 1.0.1 New: Add configuration for SuperCoins on My Account Page 01.09.2021- ver 1.0.0 Initial Release
Jan 07, 2025 08:10 AM