Woocommerce Dropshippers Vendors AddOn

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Woocommerce Dropshippers Vendors AddOn

WooCommerce Dropshippers Vendors is an Add-on for WooCommerce Dropshippers. It will NOT work unless you also have WooCommerce Dropshippers installed.

This plugin will allow the dropshippers of your shop to upload their own products.

What this plugin will do:

- Each dropshipper will be able to upload a product from their backend panel
- Admins will receive an email every time a new product is posted
- After a product has been submitted by a dropshipper, an user with an Admin or Shop Manager role can approve/refuse/edit it from the backend before the product goes live


- After a product has been approved, Dropshippers will no longer be able to modify it!


v1.0 – 27/10/2017
- First stable release

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