Moreover, you will also be able to manage order page columns by using the drag and drop interface.
You can add a new order status & select an icon to display in the orders list. This action button will be added in your orders page.
New order emails can be added for each new order status. When these emails are added, they can be edited and enabled in your WooCommerce email lists, or the template can be overridden in your theme for more control over the content.
Customers can easily understand about the order status by displaying a status like “Ready to Shipped” or “Out for Delivery”.
You can set position of columns on the orders page the way you like by simple drag and drop. You can also enable or disable additional columns, such as IP Address, Browser, Operating System, Order Summary (Order Items), Custom Order Statuses
= 1.5 - 2021.08.17 = * Fixed status icon issues. * Fixed compatibility issue with Woocommerce 5.5 = 1.4 - 2020.07.02 = * Fixed hide quick edit option = 1.3 - 2020.04.30 = * Fixed major compatibility issue with Woocommerce 4.0.1 = 1.2 - 2019.11.08 = * Fixed major compatibility issue with Woocommerce 3.5.1 = 1.1 - 2018.08.21 = * Added email notification option to order statuses = 1.0 - 2018.08.18 = * Initial release!
Jan 07, 2025 06:45 AM