This extension allows you to accept standard payments in WooCommerce using Wing Account for Cambodia
Secure, Fast and Reliable, the Wing Payment Gateway is a vital solution to help your merchants process. With Wing, your customers can finalize their payments using Wing Account without identifying cards and sharing card information.
One time payment and use it for years on same website, No Yearly Subscription, Best option for accepting online payment in Cambodia
Plugin Features
- Secure, Fast and Reliable Checkout Process
- Finalize payments without identifying cards and sharing card information
- Sandbox support
- First and only Wing Gateway for WooCommerce
- Fast installation
- Fast support
1.4.0 (31.05.2019)
- Major changes added to support new payment gateway system for Wing
1.3.0 (05.06.2018)
- Compatibility added for Wing API version 1.9
1.2.0 (21.09.2017)
- Now Wing Compliant, started saving Wing Transaction ID with the order data
1.1.0 (08.09.2017)
- Bug Fixes
- Now showing exact reason to customer when payment fails
1.0.0 (06.05.2017)
- Initial release version