Create BuzzFeed like quizzes on your WordPress website or blog. OnionBuzz plugin lets you add beautifully designed and responsive viral content using shortcodes or custom post types. It’s an easy to use and works with any WordPress theme!
Nowadays, nothing is as sharable as a nice quiz. Quizzes are the best way to engage your audience and it also delivers a lot of benefits for WordPress website owners. People spend time interacting with quizzes because it’s fun and exciting. As a result they spend a lot of time on your site.
Despite the fact that OnionBuzz is designed for entertainment, this plugin is also a great tool for creating various knowledge tests. Check the knowledge of your audience on various topics, including geography, languages, cooking and others.
Using shortcodes with WordPress blog posts you need to add featured image, title and description for the post in addition. While with native OnionBuzz custom post types you need to fill the story only. Benefits of shortcodes are that you can add stories anywhere on your website. But with native plugin features you have less worries with formatting. And the great thing is that both methods work great together on one website.
OnionBuzz lets not only to create awesome viral content for your website. You can use the plugin to achieve your marketing and business goals. Grow your website in all possible directions, get more subscribers, shares, improve site metrics and more. OnionBuzz really helps to make your website works and increase profit!
It’s easy to advertise or run marketing campaigns with OnionBuzz. Store AdSense ads, image banners or any custom code ads. And decide where to display your ads. Easy as 1, 2, 3!
- Change: Small improvement for security
- Fix: PHP notice on frontend in some cases
- Fix: PHP error in admin settings in some cases
- Fix: Bugs in shortcode appearing in some cases
- Improvement: Code optimizations - Fix: Minor bug fixes in admin section - Fix: Fixed bug in frontend script - Fix: Fixed conflicts with some 3rd party plugins
Please update all your Trivia and Checklist quiz results to a new % scale.
- Improvement: Score range of Trivia and Checklist results changed from absolute to relative values. Update your quizzes! - Improvement: Breadcrumb text can be changed from the settings now. - Improvement: Setting for story slug added. - Improvement: The limit on length of the story title is removed. - Improvement: Contributors have access to plugin now. - Fix: Fix for possible issues with OnionBuzz database encoding. - Fix: 'Score:' string added for translation.
- Feature: Trivia Leaderboard widget - Improvement: More backend stats for quizzes - Fix: Some ads could not be saved
- Feature: Advertising! Add AdSense, image banners or customs ads to your stories - Feature: Backend statistics for quizzes - Improvement: ‘1 per row’ option added to Grid layout. - Improvement: Workaround for Facebook results sharing according to Graph API 2.9 changes. - Improvement: When answering last question in Slider mode last answer’s explanation is not automatically replaced with result anymore.
- Feature: Force to share quiz to unlock result - Fix: TinyMCE compatibility minor fixes
- Fix: Issue with tinyMCE editor preventing stories to be saved - Fix: Autoscroll now works in Firefox - Fix: Issue with upvote button in Ranked Lists
- Improvement: Design fixes and optimizations for smartphones - Fix: Minor fixes and improvements in admin
- Feature: New kind of stories: Checklist - Feature: Translation support for stories frontend - Improvement: You can now share Trivia score even if no result was added in admin - Improvement: More convenient admin panel with guide links and additional warnings for better UX - Improvement: Design tweaks for better compatibility with different themes - Improvement: Easier story preview from Stories list in admin - Fix: Results score calculation issue in Trivia - Fix: ‘Null’ thing on sharing ‘empty’ result in Trivia - Fix: Tags removed from results sharing text
- Feature: Advanced editor for descriptions - Improvement: Lists order type added "by votes" - Improvement: Shortcodes are now allowed in story description - Fix: Endless result loading - Fix: Issue when questions list page not shown in admin - Fix: Various backend and frontend fixes
- Fix: Shortcodes now work on single pages - Fix: "Wrong!" addition to the title explanation was removed from Trivia Match - Fix: PHP warnings in admin panel - Fix: Custom CSS in Settings section - Fix: Wrong links in admin panel
- Feature: New kind of stories: Lists and Ranked Lists - Feature: New kind of stories: Flip Cards - Feature: New answer type for Trivia: Match (make your guess!) - Feature: OnionBuzz Recent Stories widget - Improvement: More options for answer explanation: title, image - Improvement: Various admin UI fixes and improvements - Improvement: Various frontend design fixes and improvements - Fix: Slider navigation buttons - Fix: Correct answers now highlights if wrong answer was picked
- Initial release
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Jan 08, 2025 12:42 PM