Universal Translator- A New-Age Multi-Language Translator

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Universal Translator- A New-Age Multi-Language Translator


Universal Translator plugin for Android is your ultimate solution. Whether you’re in bustling markets, navigating public transportation, or trying to converse with locals, this powerful tool is your linguistically.

Say goodbye to language barriers while traveling abroad and embrace a revolutionary pro translation tool that empowers you to connect effortlessly in over 90 languages.

Pros :

  • Multifaceted Translation Abilities: Experience the convenience of translating text effortlessly with our app’s comprehensive features. With both text-to-speech and speech-to-text capabilities, communication becomes as simple as speaking or typing. Instantly translate phrases, sentences, or even conversations with ease.
  • Versatile and User-Friendly: Our Universal translator app isn’t just about translation—it’s about versatility and ease of use. The intuitive interface allows you to input text directly into the app for instant translation.
  • Effortless Access and Reusability: With easily reusable source code, developers can leverage this technology, customize it, and even upload it to the Play Store, expanding its reach and potential as a multi-language translator.
  • Streamlined User Experience: Navigate seamlessly through your translated history a comprehensive log of all your past translations. Share these translations, mark favorites for quick reference, or declutter by removing items from your history, ensuring a personalized and organized experience.
  • Empowerment Through Connectivity: Imagine the empowerment of breaking language barriers at your fingertips. Our all-language translator online app functions as a bridge to connect cultures, foster understanding, and facilitate seamless communication.
  • Lightning Speed: The remarkable speed of the Universal Translator stands out as a primary advantage. Compared to human translators, it operates at an unmatched pace and handles a significantly larger volume of translations. While a proficient translator typically manages around 2,000 words in a standard workday (averaging 300-400 words per hour), the Universal Translator surpasses this limit to translate all pages by a considerable margin.

Key Features

  • This professional language translator is compatible with Android devices.
  • Developed using Android Studio Giraffe 2022.3.1.
  • Streamlined and simplistic design.
  • Swift and seamless functionality without compromising performance.
  • Java code that’s straightforward and comprehensible.
  • Speedy and lightweight multi-language translator app.
  • Adaptable to various screen sizes.
  • Highly customizable features.
  • Comprises two screens for user interaction.
  • Effortlessly translates text of any kind.
  • English to all language translation.
  • Capable of extracting text from images.
  • Maintains a history log of translated texts.

Language Support:

Afrikaans Frisian Kyrgyz Samoan
Albanian Galician Lao Scots Gaelic
Amharic Georgian Latin Serbian
Arabic German Latvian Sesotho
Armenian Greek Lithuanian Shona
Azerbaijani Gujarati Luxembourgish Sindhi
Basque Haitian Creole Macedonian Sinhala
Belarusian Hausa Malagasy Slovak
Bengali Hawaiian Malay Slovenian
Bosnian Hebrew Malayalam Somali
Bulgarian Hindi Maltese Spanish
Catalan Hmong Maori Sundanese
Cebuano Hungarian Marathi Swahili
Chinese (Simplified) Icelandic Mongolian Swedish
Chinese (Traditional) Igbo Myanmar Tagalog
Corsican Indonesian Nepali Tajik
Croatian Irish Norwegian Tamil
Czech Italian Nyanja Telugu
Danish Japanese Pashto Thai
Dutch Javanese Persian Turkish
English Kannada Polish Ukrainian
Esperanto Kazakh Portuguese Ukrainian
Estonian Khmer Punjabi Urdu
Finnish Korean Romanian Uzbek
French Kurdish Russian Vietnamese
Welsh Xhosa Yiddish Yoruba


PREVIEW IT ON PLAYSTORE: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.elsner.translator

# Powered by Yandex.Translate #

Flutter Packages

  • Flutter Package Used :

    This app incorporates essential Flutter packages to ensure optimal functionality and performance. A few notable packages include:

    1. retrofit: ^2.9.0
    2. okhttp3: ^4.9.1
    3. rxJava: ^2.2.21
    4. rxandroid: ^2.1.1
    5. country_code_picker: ^3.0.0
    6. firebase-analytics: ^19.0.0
    7. firebase-core: ^19.0.0
    8. stetho: ^1.5.1
    9. dexter: ^6.2.2
    10. firebase-ml-vision: ^24.0.3
    11. firebase-ml-vision-label-model: ^20.0.1
    12. play-services-ads: ^19.5.0
  • Support


    = Version 2.0.1 (2024-01-03) =
    [+] New: Compatible with Android 12.0.  

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