Have you ever wanted to make your own Quiz app? Maybe calculating an IQ test app?! or creating your own Test for your student?! then this app is the one you are looking for! Ultimate Quiz App is a very interactive app and user friendly, moreover it is so easy to create, edit questions, customize and comes with powerful functionality. with Ultimate Quiz v2 App you are just a step away of publishing your own quiz app.
- 5 Stars Rated App On Envato Market & Codecanyon
- Universal App, it works on both devices (iPhone & iPad)
- Supports latest Swift version
- Supports latest Xcode version
- Supports latest iOS version
- AdMob integration: Banners & Interstitials
- Software Architecture: MVVM & Clean Architecture
- It includes Documentation
- How To Do Videos Included
- No experience in coding needed
- Everything is easily customizable in the App
- Easy to upgrade the App with extra features as Well
- Offline database
- Unlimited questions with images & without
- Multiple dynamic options
- Various unlimited Categories with images
- Time & Score tracking
- Cool animation
- Google Ads / AdMob Integration
- Social media sharing (FB, Twitter, WhatsApp, AirDrop and etc)
- Website promotion within the app
- Interactive UI & UX Design
- Cool Sound Effects
- Simple & Elegant
Please let us know in the comment section , what coming features you want to see in the app for the next version.