SwiftUI Weather App

11 Sales
SwiftUI Weather App

This weather app is one of best free weather apps with full features Local weather, weather map (weather map service) and weather widgets.Forecastle: Forecast now, hourly forecast and daily forecast app Widgets for iOS: The weather radar widget free and clock widget weather with beautiful style. Its so easy to receive the weather conditions in your current location. Weather forecast app provides detailed local forecast & weather forecast worldwide, the app provides the current temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit, sunrise and sunset time according to city time zone. The weather app also provides atmospheric pressure, weather conditions, visibility distance, relative humidity, precipitation in different unites, dew point, wind speed and direction, in addition to ten days in future and hourly weather forecast. Realtime temperature, humidity, pressure and wind direction are all in the weather app based.

App Screenshots with Details

Highlight Features

  1. Written completely in SwiftUI
  2. MVVM Structure
  3. User friendly experience when Location services denied
  4. Clean Code
  5. Colors customisation in Color extensions are very handy
  6. No third party library
  7. Open source api for weather data fetching

Included Screens and Dialogs

  1. Splash Screen
  2. Welcome Screen
  3. ProgressView Screen
  4. Weather Details Screen

Technology and Framework

  1. iOS
  2. Swift
  3. SwiftUI
  4. Xcode 14.1

After purchased you will get

  1. Project Source Code
  2. Clean and Full Documentations
  3. Lifetime Free Updates
  4. Free Support

Support Facility

  1. Free Lifetime Updates and Great Customer Services. We will make updates to add more apps and features continuously to make this app more perfect. If there is an update from the Flutter SDK, we will also perform updates to improve performance quality.

License Option
Free Free
Quality checked by DigiBazzy
Full Documentation
Future updates
24/7 Support
11 Sales


Jan 10, 2025 08:15 AM


