Snapback is a great solution for those who need to quickly make a mobile app that processes vintage live photo effects to embed into nice polaroid frames and share works on social networks
Snapback is a full-working template (UI + Source Code) that offers a large selection of custom cameras and various photo effects. It’s based on the
GPUImage2 framework
The app automatically saves taken pictures into a custom folder of the iPhone’s Photo Library and allows you to tap the last taken photo’s preview and share it to social network apps, email, and SMS. Attach a caption to your works and select a photo frame to enhance your artistic pictures.
The design is clean, code is commented and project folders and files are well organized in the package.
This application includes the necessary In-App Purchase code to unlock Pro Cameras – the first 2 cameras are free.
• Check out the
Features section below to see what this app does.
Read the online Documentation to learn how to configure the template’s features and the database (Parse Dashboard).
• Keep an eye to the
Change Log on the bottom of this page when an update gets released.
Extended license
As per Envato Marketplace Terms, the
Extended License applies to all applications that charge money to their users, which may be either via IAP or by publishing this app as a PAID app on the App Store.
IMPORTANT: You are NOT allowed to sell or share the original source code of this template anywhere, due to copyright infringement.
iOS Swift language – Native Xcode project – Edit the template as you wish with the power of Xcode and Swift.
Storyboard, iOS 11.0 and above, iPhone only – Run your app on all iOS iPhones (it doesn’t work on iPads)
GPUImage2 framework – Enjoy the power of the Brad Larson’s GPUImage library and create your own new filters and cameras
In-App Purchase to unlock all Pro Cameras – Get some revenue from IAP
Create as many cameras and photo frames as you want – Offer your clients the opportunity to have fun with different photo effects and camera designs
Share pictures with frame on social network installed apps, Mail and SMS – Show your art to the world, enjoy the app with your friends
Add a caption to your photos – Personalize your pictures with some text on the bottom of the photo frame (it feels like 80’s)
Front/Back camera switch and Flash (in torch mode) – Take advantage of the classic camera features to make selfies like a pro
Modern, clean design – The UI has been carefully crafted to offer the best user experience to your clients.
Online Documentation – Read the extensive guide of this template to be able to configure it properly.
PSD icons included in the package – App and buttons icons are stored into a PSD folder, for easy image replacement.
The latest official version of Xcode – Beta versions of an IDE usually never work 100% properly, and the code of this app has been written using the latest official version of Xcode and you can download it from the Mac App Store. You must use it and avoid Betas.
An Apple Mac computer, updated to its latest OS version – It’s always good to keep your macOS up to date, technology keeps growing and I follow its changes, as well as updating my templates every time a new OS gets released.
An Apple Developer Account with an active iOS Development Program – This is needed for you to publish apps on the iTunes App Store. You can still edit this template on code without that account, but you won’t be able to run it on your real iOS device since you’ll need a Team ID.
Basic knowledge of Xcode and Swift language – You don’t need to be a skilled or professional developer, anyway it’s recommended to have at least the basic knowledge of what you’re dealing with, in order to be able to customize this template and publish your applications on the App Store.
An Active Paid Apps Agreement in your App Store Connect account – Without this agreement, you won’t be able to create and configure In-App Purchases for your own version of this app.
A real device to test the app before submitting it to the App Store – iOS Simulators may fail during tests, they are not reliable as a real device is, so I strongly recommend you to always run this application on a real phone/tablet. This is also suggested by Apple’s official Guidelines.
Change log
Jan 28, 2022
- Updated to XCode 13.2.1
September 28, 2020
- Updated to Xcode 12
November 11, 2019
Added this code into the 'Info.plist' file, in order to force Light Mode for the app even when the device is on Dark Mode:
NOTE: You can right-click on the Info.plist file and select 'Open As -> Source Code', then paste that code anywhere
September 24, 2019
- Updated to Xcode 11, iOS 13
- Added a 'Launch Screen.storyboard' file to the project and customized it with an ImageView that contains the 'launch_screen' ImageSet - which was added into the 'Assets.xcassets' folder
- Assigned the 'Launch Screen' storyboard file to the 'Launch Screen File' field in the General tab
- Removed the BrandAssets folder from the Assets.xcassets one
- Removed the row called 'Asset Catalog Compiler Launch Image Name - Brand Assets' from Build Settings
- Added this line of code above all instances of 'present(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)' due to iOS 13 new Modal system:
vc.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
** PLEASE NOTE: You may see a bunch of Buildtime warnings while running the app on your device via Xcode, saying:
"Auto Layout Localization: Views without any layout constraints may clip their content or overlap other views".
Do not worry about it, just ignore those warnings - they aren't errors - and the app will still work perfectly and the design won't get messed up.
August 22, 2019
- Updated to Xcode 10.3
May 25, 2019
- First release, iOS 10.0 and above
- Native Xcode project, GPUImage2, Swift language
- Compatible with all iPhones
For any support requests, please contact me through my
Profile’s Contact Form
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