A Woocommerce plugin which is used to display customers feedback in a easy way which is helpful to your customers and increase store conversion. It showcase your Woocommerce store product reviews in different layouts such as Masonry and Grid View with Ajax Load More pagination. It let’s your customers post a review with an image, upload a video with their review and provides flexibility of posting review from third party popular services such as YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion. You can showcase popular products based on the product ratings and have options for displaying different store badges such as store success badge and review counter badges. You can send review reminder emails to your customers, let your customers give review on their past orders if they are registered on the website. The checkout review feature is very handy to get reviews and valuable feedback from loyal and long term customers and is a great tool to increase your product reviews in less time. The product reviews are automatically displayed on the relevant product pages. The plugin also helps the store owner to give reward to their customers by giving coupons on reviewing product.
Demo Credentials
For demo credentials please feel free to contact us and we can provide you the access to explore plugin settings and its working. You can contact us via email and we will provide you the access.
Limited Time Offer
Get access to all premium features of a plugin at $10 price not $22 and boost your sales now!
Features List
Product Review Reminder (New):Send product review reminder notifications to the customers for reviewing their order via one click.
Mailchimp Integration: Add your customers to your mailchimp list and send promotional newsletters to increase sales.
GDPR Compliance: The plugin display an optional promotional newsletter checkbox and only add customer email address to the Mailchimp list if customer has opted for it.
Review Notification: Get every product review notification on your email address to track how well your store is performing.
Profile Picture: The plugin offers options to display profile picture custom fields on Woocommerce registration section for customers to upload their picture during account creation. The profile picture can also be changed by admin and from customer account dashboard.
Photo Review (New): The plugin offers options to enable/disable photo review on product pages. You can set limit how many images are allowed to submit per single review by the customer. The attached photos with a review can also be seen inside admin Dashboard as well by admin.
Photo Lightbox (New): The plugin offers options to display attached customer photos of a review in popup if required on product pages.
Video Review (New): The plugin offers options to enable/disable video review on product pages. Customer can upload a video or can also share video hosted on third party platforms such as YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo for a detailed review. The attached video with a review can also be seen inside admin Dashboard as well by admin.
Review Title (New): The plugin offers options to enable/disable review title field on product pages review form. Customer can also add review title along with their review which is also saved in the admin dashboard for admin and also support added for showing review title in different shortcodes.
Checkout Review (New): The plugin offers options to get instant customer reviews on checkout which are automatically displayed on relevant product pages.
Checkout Customer Feedback (New): The plugin offers options to get your customers valuable feedback when placing order online which help shop owners to develop customers centric marketing strategies.
Sync Reviews: The plugin offers options to sync all of your product reviews automatically at one place which is easy to manage and also provides some helpful stats to the admin. Syncing process takes place continuously and all the new reviews automatically get synced with the existing reviews.
Google Captcha: The plugin offers options to display Google captcha on the review form on the product pages. The captcha will help to prevent spam reviews.
Design: The plugin offers options to apply your website branding colors to all shortcodes. You can change the colors as per your website branding.
Responsive Design: The plugin offers responsive design. All shortcodes front views have responsive design with cross browser compatibility.
Reviews Listing: The plugin offers multiple elegant responsive Reviews Listing layout styles. One layout is Masonry and the other one is Grid layout.
Pagination Styles: The plugin offers 2 pagination styles for Reviews Listing layouts. One is Ajax based Load More style and the other one is Default style for paginating through all reviews.
Top Rated Products: You can display top rated products based on the 5 star rating count using the shortcode. You can set 5 star rating count criteria as per your requirements.
Reviews Slider: The plugin offers multiple responsive elegant reviews slider layouts. One layout style is Full Width slider and the other layout style is Grid slider with dynamic slider options.
Reviews Badges: The plugin offers multiple responsive reviews badges layouts. One layout style is Classic view, the other one is Text and the last layout style is Fixed sidebar with dynamic options.
Store Success Badge: The plugin offers responsive store success badge to showcase your customers satisfaction score and your store average rating which can be helpful in increasing conversion.
Elementor Page Builder Compatible: The plugin works seamlessly with the Elementor page builder.
WP Bakery Page Builder Compatible: The plugin works seamlessly with the WP Bakery page builder and can work with other WP page builder plugins which support shortcodes.
[swr-reviews title='Hear From Our Happy Customers' custom_class='custom' show_date='yes' show_thumb='yes' orderby='title' order='ASC' num_posts=-1 show_pagination='yes' layout_style='Masonry' pagination_style='Default' 'show_reviews_count'= 'yes' 'icon_background_color'='#ffc600' 'rating_color'='#ffc600' 'main_heading_color'='#444']
SWR Reviews Shortcode Params
title: You can set main section title.
custom_class: You can add custom class to the shortcode.
show_date: You can hide or show date displayed on the front view.
show_thumb: You can hide or show thumb displayed on the front view.
orderby: You can set orderby value to be used in the WordPress query.
order: You can set order value to be used in WordPress query.
num_posts: You can set num_posts value to be used in WordPress query which will fetch posts accordingly.
show_pagination: You can set show_pagination value if posts fetched are less than total posts.
layout_style: You can set layout_style value. Available values are ‘Masonry’ and ‘Grid’
show_reviews_count: You can hide and show the total reviews count with total reviews average.
icon_background_color: You can set icon background color as per your needs.
rating_color: You can set rating color as per your needs.
main_heading_color: You can set main heading color as per your needs.
[swr-reviews-slider title='What Our Clients Say' custom_class='custom' post_id='' orderby='title' order='ASC' num_posts=-1 layout_style='Grid' 'show_date'='yes' 'show_thumb'='yes' 'icon_background_color'='#ffc600' 'rating_color'='#ffc600' main_heading_color'='#444' 'slidesShow'=3 'dots'='no' 'speed'=1500 'autoplay'='yes' 'autoplaySpeed'=2500 'arrows'='yes' 'pauseOnFocus'='yes' 'pauseOnHover'='yes']
SWR Reviews Slider Shortcode Params
title: You can set main section title.
custom_class: You can add custom class to the shortcode.
show_date: You can hide or show date displayed on the front view.
show_thumb: You can hide or show thumb displayed on the front view.
orderby: You can set orderby value to be used in the WordPress query.
order: You can set order value to be used in WordPress query.
num_posts: You can set num_posts value to be used in WordPress query which will fetch posts accordingly.
post_id: You can set post_id values to display specific posts. You can add post ID’s separated by comma and it will only fetch those specific posts.
layout_style: You can set layout_style value. Available values are ‘Grid’ and ‘Full Width’
slidesShow: You can set slidesShow value to show how many slides of a slider to display.
dots: You can set dots value to show dots pager at the bottom of slider.
speed: You can set speed value of a slider slide as per your needs.
autoplay: You can set autoplay value to enable or disable autoplay of slider.
autoplaySpeed: You can set autoplaySpeed value to set autoplay speed as per your needs.
arrows: You can set arrows value to show arrows of a slider.
pauseOnFocus: You can set pauseOnFocus value to enable or disable pause on focus.
pauseOnHover: You can set pauseOnHover value to enable or disable pause on hover.
icon_background_color: You can set icon background color as per your needs.
rating_color: You can set rating color as per your needs.
main_heading_color: You can set main heading color as per your needs.
[swr-top-rated-products title='Our Top Rated Products' custom_class='custom' post_id='' orderby='title' order='ASC' num_posts=9 rating_count=1 show_instock_label='yes' show_soldout_label='yes' stock_color'='#1cc286' 'sold_color'= '#b55656' 'main_heading_color'='#444' 'rating_color'='#ffc600' 'button_background_color'='#ffc600' 'slidesShow'=3 'dots'='no' 'speed'=1500 'autoplay'='yes' 'autoplaySpeed'=3000 'arrows'='yes' 'pauseOnFocus'='yes' 'pauseOnHover'= 'yes']
SWR Top Rated Products Shortcode Params
title: You can set main section title.
custom_class: You can add custom class to the shortcode.
rating_count: You can set rating_count value to show products with 5 star ratings. The value set will display products having rating count as per given criteria.
show_instock_label: You can hide or show instock label as per your needs.
show_soldout_label: You can hide or show sold out label as per your needs.
stock_color: You can set stock label color as per your needs.
sold_color:You can set sold out label color as per your needs.
button_background_color:You can set button background color as per your needs.
orderby: You can set orderby value to be used in the WordPress query.
order: You can set order value to be used in WordPress query.
num_posts: You can set num_posts value to be used in WordPress query which will fetch posts accordingly.
post_id: You can set post_id values to display specific posts. You can add post ID’s separated by comma and it will only fetch those specific posts.
layout_style: You can set layout_style value. Available values are ‘Grid’ and ‘Full Width’
slidesShow: You can set slidesShow value to show how many slides of a slider to display.
dots: You can set dots value to show dots pager at the bottom of slider.
speed: You can set speed value of a slider slide as per your needs.
autoplay: You can set autoplay value to enable or disable autoplay of slider.
autoplaySpeed: You can set autoplaySpeed value to set autoplay speed as per your needs.
arrows: You can set arrows value to show arrows of a slider.
pauseOnFocus: You can set pauseOnFocus value to enable or disable pause on focus.
pauseOnHover: You can set pauseOnHover value to enable or disable pause on hover.
icon_background_color: You can set icon background color as per your needs.
rating_color: You can set rating color as per your needs.
main_heading_color: You can set main heading color as per your needs.
[swr-reviews-count title='Trusted Reviews' custom_class='custom' show_store_average='yes' type='approved' layout_style='Classic' 'rating_color'='#ffc600' 'background_color'='#ffc600']
SWR Reviews Count Shortcode Params
title: You can set main section title.
custom_class: You can add custom class to the shortcode.
show_store_average: You can hide or show your store product reviews average.
type: You can set type value as per your needs. The value will be used in the query to count total reviews. Available values are ‘approved’, ‘all’ and ‘verified’.
layout_style: You can select layout style as per your needs. Available values are ‘Fixed’, ‘Text’ and ‘Classic’.
rating_color: You can set rating color as per your needs.
background_color: You can set background color as per your needs.
[swr-reviews-avg title='Trusted Reviews' custom_class='custom' show_success_score='yes' 'icon_color'='#1cc286' 'rating_color'='#ffc600']
SWR Reviews Avg Shortcode Params
title: You can set main section title.
custom_class: You can add custom class to the shortcode.
show_success_score: You can hide or show your store success score.
rating_color: You can set rating color as per your needs.
icon_color: You can set icon color as per your needs.
Update History
Version 1.0.9(09-01-2023)
- New options were added for making the checkout review fields optional.
- Improved checkout reviews workflow and rendering checkout review form only for registered customers with a verified purchase.
- Further improved the deletion workflow of checkout reviews.
- Minor styling and responsive bugs were fixed.
Version 1.0.8(29-05-2022)
- New options were added for sending discount / reward emails for reviewing products.
- Send automated discount / reward emails to the customers.
- Minor styling and responsive bugs were fixed.
Version 1.0.6(23-01-2022)
- New options were added for sending review reminder notification.
- Send product review reminder notifications to the customers via one click.
- New options for testing product review reminder notifications.
- Minor translation and responsive bugs were fixed.
Version 1.0.5(10-10-2021)
- New options were added for displaying popup review form.
- Options added for displaying popup review form based on Woocommerce order statuses.
- Customers can give review for their past orders from orders from their account.
- Reviews are automatically displayed on relevant product page if they are approved by admin.
Version 1.0.4(27-06-2021)
- New checkout reviews feature was added to get instant reviews on products.
- Checkout review form incorporated on the WC checkout to get checkout comments and reviews.
- Review video feature integrated with review listing (Masonry) and review slider (Full Width).
- Reviews tab sorting feature added to reorder review tab on Product pages.
- Terms and conditions feature added for WC review form for GDPR.
Version 1.0.3(05-01-2021)
- New admin options for enabling review title field on review submission form.
- Review notification updated to include review title for review.
- Slider and listing shortcode was updated to include option for adding review title.
- Video uploading option added for adding video with review.
- Review title added on all reviews on product pages if added.
- WP admin bar editing link issues on plugin activation were fixed.
Version 1.0.2(04-26-2021)
- New admin options for enabling video review on review submission form.
- New admin options for supporting third party platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion.
- Video review saving feature added for admin view.
- Video uploading option added for adding video with review.
- Support added for displaying customer review video in lightbox(popup).
Version 1.0.1(04-19-2021)
- New options for enabling photo reviews on review submission.
- New options for showing customer attached photos on a review in lightbox (popup).
- New options for limiting the number of photos allowed per single review.
- Display attached photos associated with the review submitted by the customer on the product pages.
- Admin workflow further improved and is synced with the photo review workflow.
- Minor responsive fixes and other minor issues were fixed.