1) Screenshot(Step 1): Login to your Cpanel/VPS/Hosting Panel, Create MySQL Database, Create New User & Add/Grant user to the Database. You can follow this tutorial- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSdbNoW2f-c
2) Screenshot(Step 2): Go to PHPMyAdmin, select your newly created Database, go to import & import “hrms.sql” from folder downloaded_project_folder->db->hrms.sql.
3) Now from the File Manager of your hosting go to the corresponding directory where you want to install Laravel Backend. You can use domain root, directory & sub-domain too.
4) Use file from belontor.zip.
5) Upload zip, extract zip file on the corresponding directory(maybe some .htaccess configuration changing needed, depends on your hosting environment).
6) Screenshot(Step 3): Edit .env file from Laravel Root
APP_NAME: Your Backend App name
APP_URL: Root URL of your Backend App
DB_HOST: Host of your Database(Usually or localhost)
DB_PORT: Port of your Database(Usually 3306)
DB_DATABASE: Database Name
DB_USERNAME: Username of your Database User
DB_PASSWORD: Password of your Database User
Make Sure You Have Selected PHP version above 5.6.4