Recipes – Cookbook App is an Android application support adding/updating an unlimited number of categories, recipes, and chefs online directly using an easy Admin Panel which connected to the Realtime Firebase database, and can be deployed on the free Firebase hosting, no domain/hosting are needed
Each recipe contain ingredients, instructions, multiple images, and a video.
This source code is consists of 2 apps:
User App | Admin App |
Admin Panel email: password: 123456 PS: this is a demo Admin Panel for test purposes only, changes will not appears in demo APK
• User App: - Upgrading the plugin and SDKs to the latest releases. - Enhancements to the recipe details UI to prevent content from being covered by the banner ad. To apply this update, since there are major changes please copy your content (google-services.json file, drawables, sounds, and so on... ) to the new source code.
User App: - Resolving minor issue in the favorite functionality. To apply this update to your existing source code: • User App: - Replace the file (
User App: - Enhancing search functionality. - Hiding the banner ad in video UI to comply with the YouTube API policy. Admin Panel: - Resolving the edit recipe issue. Updating the documentation file, section 4 (steps of changing the user agreement text). To apply this update to your existing source code: • User App: - Replace the files (,, • Admin Panel: - Replace the file (recipes.html).
User App: - Adding a Delete Account option, to allow users to delete their accounts with all related data including their recipes. (This option complies with the latest GooglePlay policy). - Integrating a new YouTube player SDK instead the previous API (YouTube Android Player API) which was fully deprecated by Google. - Upgrading the plugin and SDKs to the latest releases. Admin App: - Integrating a new YouTube player SDK instead the previous API (YouTube Android Player API) which was fully deprecated by Google. - Upgrading the plugin and SDKs to the latest releases. Updating the documentation file according to the latest updates (steps of changing the package name, privacy policy). To apply this update, since there are major changes please copy your content (google-services.json file, drawable, and so on… ) to the new source code.
User App: Complying with the Android 33 SDK and upgrading the plugin and SDKs to the latest releases. Complying with the UGC policy by adding the following features: - Report a recipe. - Delete a recipe by the chef. - Delete a review by the chef. - Block a user by the chef, blocked users will not be able to add a review to the chef. Adding sort recipes by (Newest / Most viewed / Best rated). Browsing the content for unregistered users and prompting login when accessing the features that require login. Adding the (Login) button in the profile for unregistered users. Enhancing uploading recipes functionality. Adding notifications permission for android 13. Admin App: Complying with the Android 33 SDK and upgrading the plugin and SDKs to the latest releases. Adding a reported recipes section, with the ability to remove any reported recipe from the reported list or delete it from the published recipes. Enhancing accepting recipes functionality. Admin Panel: Adding/changing the admin email from Firebase remote config for security reasons. Adding Filter by a chef and filter by a category, with the ability to display specific category recipes from all chefs, showing specific chef recipes from all categories, or showing recipes from all chefs and categories. Prevent overwriting recipes issue for non-sequential IDs. Updating the documentation file according to the latest updates, with a new section (optional steps for removing the add recipe page). To apply this update, since there are major changes please copy your content (google-services.json file, drawable, sounds, and so on… ) to the new source code.
Integrating the AdMob Open App Ad, which shows when bringing the app to the foreground again. Upgrading AdMob Ads implementation to version 20.0.0+ Upgrading plugin and updating the SDKs dependencies to the latest versions. Migration to the (User Messaging Platform SDK) instead of the deprecated (Consent SDK) for the GDPR. Resolve share image issue on Android 11+. Updating the documentation file (AdMob Open App ad, Enable GDPR, Admin panel). To apply this update, since there are major changes please copy your content (google-services.json file, drawables, and so on... ) to the new source code.
Targeting API 30 and updating the SDKs and Dependencies to the latest versions. Auto slider for recipe images gallery in the Details UI. Preview images gallery slider in the actual size with ability to zoom in/out. Redirecting to the chef's recipes by clicking on the chef data section in the recipe details UI. Display views counter of each recipe. Allow the user to upload 4 images for their recipe. Share the full recipe as image including(recipe title, ingredients, direction, image) with app logo watermark. Forgot password option, with validating if the email is registered. Integrating In-App review API Enable the send button after completing the uploading of the recipe. Resizing the uploaded images from the user app, to reduce consuming the storage. Transition effects between activities. Enhancing no available data field. Preventing the chef of review own recipes. Updating the documentation file(Configure and deploy the admin panel). Free Web Admin Panel, connected with the Realtime Firebase database so you can easily add, update, and delete your categories, chefs and recipes online directly. The admin panel will be deployed on Firebase hosting for free and no domain/hosting are needed.
User App: Support searching for any word exists in the recipe title, ingredients, or direction. Support sending push notifications to open specific recipes. Resolving the favorite issue. Multiple fixes and enhancements for the user profile: (resolve update name/password issue, apply the changed profile image in the user’s recipe request, redirect the user to the main UI when back from the profile). Resolving sharing recipes on the WhatsApp issue. Prevent overwriting the image of the previous recipe sent by the same user. Improve detection of no Internet connection, by adding a button to check the connection again. Fixing landscape of the recipe details UI. Admin App: Fixing landscape of the recipe details UI. Resolving the issue when receiving a recipe without an image. Documentation: Updating the documentation PDF file, section 12, how to send a notification that opens a specific recipe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To integrate this update into your existing source code, kindly replace the following files: In User Source Code: - Replace:,,,,,,,,,, activity_profile.xml - Add the file activity_recipe_details.xml in the land-layout folder In Admin Source Code: - Replace - Add the file activity_recipe_details.xml in the land-layout folder
Initial release