QuickDate IOS is a social application for QuickDate social dating script . QuickDate IOS is a native IOS app built using Swift, with simple and easy installation.
QuickDate IOS app is easy, secured, and it will be regularly updated.
[Migrated] IOS 15.0 Xcode version + Swift 5.9. [Added] Chat section. [Added] Gifts section in chat. [Added] Verify your number screen. [Improved] Explore Screen [Improved] UI improvements. [Improved] Functionality enhancement. [Improved] Filter. [Fixed] 15+ Reported issue. [Fixed] Explore screen crash issue. [Fixed] Unfavourite people.
[Update] To latest Xcode 14.3.1. [Update] QuickdateSDK to latest Xcode [Added] User detail screen. [Added] Gift screen. [Added] Most Popular Article Section. [Added] Go Pro Screen Payment Flow. [Added] Live user screen. [Added] Go live functionality. [Added] Admob ads. [Added] Payment withdrawal functionality. [Added] Transactions screen. [Improved] Tutorial alert UI [Improved] UI improvements. [Improved] Functionality enhancement. [Improved] Home screen card detail. [Improved] User Profile UI. [Improved] Filter alert view. [Improved] Explore screen UI. [Improved] Profile screen UI. [Improved] Blog screen UI. [Fixed] Explore data load issue. [Fixed] Explore data filter. [Fixed] Notification data. [Fixed] Edit profile. [Fixed] Blog detail screen. [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs.
[Update] To latest Xcode. [Update] QuickdateSDK to latest Xcode [Fixed] 5+ Reported bugs.
[Update] To latest Xcode. [Update] QuickdateSDK to latest Xcode [NEW] Redesigned UI Theme. [Added] 30+ New designed screens. [Added] Shimer loading view. [Added] New report system. [Added] Filter by location on card view. [Added] Apple Pay for extended license. [Added] Apple Login. [Added] Ability to control settings. [Added] Stripe Payment system. [Fixed] Facebook login issue. [Fixed] PayPal payment bugs. [Fixed] Load more messages. [Improved] UI Modification [Update] Optimize Code Quality. [Update] Pods updated. [Update] Optimize UI/UX. [Update] Localization. [Fixed] 30+ Reported bugs.
[Update] Update to latest Xcode. [Update] QuickdateSDK updated with latest Xcode [Added] Live Stream [Added] Added Agora Calls [Improved] Settings screen [Improved] Notification Screen [Improved] tabbar [Improved] Blogs screen [Improved] Trending screen [Improved] Chat Screen [Improved] Home Screen [Improved] Credit Screen [Improved] Upgrade Screen [Improved] Fixed Orientation [Improved] Dark Mode [Improved] UI Modification [Update] Optimize Code Quality. [Update] pods updated. [Update]Optimize UI/UX. [Update] Social Login. [Update] Localization. [Fixed] 30+ Reported bugs.
[Update] Update to latest Xcode 13.0 . [Update] QuickdateSDK updated with Xcode 13.0 [Added] New SDK Encryption system [Improved] Dark Mode [Improved] Spalsh screen load [Improved] UI Modification [Improved] Push Notifications [Improved] Filter [Update] Optimize Code Quality. [Update] pods updated. [Update]Optimize UI/UX. [Update] Social Login. [Update] Localization. [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs.
[Update] Update to latest Xcode 12.4 . [Update] QuickdateSDK updated with Xcode 12.4. [Improved] UI Modification [Improved] UIWebviews Removed [Improved] Push Notifications [Fixed] Localization. [Added] App color settings. [Added] RTL Compatibility. [Added] Location Feature. [Added] Facebook Ads. [Added] New User detail screen. [Update] Optimize Code Quality. [Update] pods updated. [Update] Alamofire Updated. [Update] googleAdMob Updated. [Update]Optimize UI/UX. [Update]Social Login. [Fixed] Fixed Twillo Calling. [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs.
[Update] Update to latest Xcode 11.5. . [Added] Admob. [Improved] UI Modification [Added] Localization. [Added] New Profile screen. [Added] WoWonder Login. [Added] Dark Mode. [Added] Two Factor Security. [Update] Improve Chat Quality. [Update] Optimize Code Quality. [Update]Optimize UI/UX. [Fixed]Appstore Webview issue resolved. [Fixed]Filteration. [Fixed] 50+ Reported bugs.
Added new UI design for profile.. Added new UI Trending page Added Favorite User system. Added ability to display People I Liked. Added ability to display People I DisLiked.. Added card swipe limit. Added Hot or Not. Added Two-factor authentication system. Added ability to view my affiliates. Added ability to view friends requests. Added checking points when sending gifts. Added new animations. Fixed magor reported bugs.
Added Friend Request. Added Filter User Added some new UI modification Fixed magor reported bugs.
Added Apple Pay for extended Users. Added some new UI modification Update to latest Version of xcode Fixed magor reported bugs.
Added some new UI modification Added ability to make audio/video calls. Added ability to read blogs. Added ability for bank transfer. Fixed magor reported bugs.
Added Credit System Paypal / Stripe. Added ability to boost profile. Added ability swipe cards left and right. Added ability to upgrade profile. Added ability to view prenium users. Added full Push-notifications system for all kinds of notifications. Added ability to send/reiceve messages. Added ability to login via social logins. Added settings prefencess screens. Added abilty to send Gifs. Secured the app of illegal uses Added ability to search for users online. High Improvement on performance of the app. Supports now all kind of Host TLS2/TLS3. Added block users system. Added abilty to delete account . Add abilty for full screen. Added font system . Added ability for offset mode. Added Ability To Report Users. Added Native like and DesLike for users Request App Permissions system. Added Native Emoji keyboard view. Added Empty state pages and offline pages. Add multilingual system with auto detect android languish . Added ability to display alerts , Toasts , success , errors, loadings , and more.. Added ability to handle image download and cache load and speed. Added ability to handel offline mode and bad connections. Welcome Page : New page added on the fisrt load . Forget Page: Added ability for users to recover their account via email address. Animations : added Animations on pages and items Materials Design: Total new Design for the app Added Image croper and rotate system. Add Full Documentation install and errors solving .
Jan 09, 2025 17:57 PM