This is not a stand-alone script, it has to be installed on RKHM platform
This plugin adds “podcast” support to RKHM
Key Features
Podcaster profile: Every podcaster has their own profile. Users can use the page to view podcaster’s shows, episodes, related podcasters, biography, social network addresses and more
Podcast page: Every podcast show has a dedicated page. Users can use it to see episodes, statistics & related works
Podcast-episode page: Every episode has a dedicated page, mostly for better seo and indexing. Users can see related content by show, podcaster, category & tags in this page
Categories & Tags: Every podcaster, podcast & episode can be linked to multiple categories & tags for better categorization
Podcaster verification: Users can submit documents & verify their identify to become verified podcasters. They can upload & edit their artwork and make revenue by your rules
Automation: Over 25,000 podcasts exists in Busyowl’s API server. You can enable automation to import these data over time or you can gather RSS urls yourself and feed them to app
Store: Sell your own artwork. Allow creators to sell their work thro your app and get some intereset. You can upload a free `demo` for premium episodes
Royalty fee: You can setup a royalty fee to pay the podcasters based on their unique stream count
Qualities: You can add multiple media sources for a single episode. For example Youtube, high quality audio & low quality audio. Then you can offer some of them for free while charging for rest
CRUD: Podcast plugin extends admin-area as well. You can easily manage podcast creators, shows, episodes, tags, languages & etc in admin-area
PageBuilder: Podcast plugin extends page-builder as well. You can use Podcast-related widgets to index your content in the style you like!
Ready to help
No matter if you are a supported client, a customer whose support has expired or a stranger seeking answers, feel free to use to ask your questions. We will be more than happy to guide and assist you.