Play Chess is a HTML5 game where two-player board game using a chessboard and sixteen pieces of six types for each player. Play against computer or against a friend and enjoy different up to 6 themes.
The ZIP package contains the game with 1280×768 and 768×1024 resolution that scales proportionally to fit current screen device.
This game is compatible with Multiplayer add-on, it is a add-ons page where user can join and play with other online players. You can get it here.
*Play up to maximum 2 players with multiplayer add-on.
Version 1.8 - Improved multiplayer script Version 1.7 - Added icon board color option Version 1.6 - Fixed multiplayer issue Version 1.5 - Improved multiplayer script Version 1.4 - Updated sound function Version 1.3 - Fixed en passant chess move Version 1.2 - Fixed fullscreen issue Version 1.1 - Fixed board issue