Online Word Quiz – Image Guess, Sound Guess Puzzle is an Android app that supports adding an unlimited number of categories and an unlimited number of levels inside each category with an unlimited number of puzzles inside each level, using an easy Admin Panel which connected with the Realtime Firebase database so you can update your puzzles online directly. Each puzzle support 3 format (text + image + sound) so you can use one format as (text only, image only, sound only )or you can use all formats together or making any combination between them as you like. The app is integrated with AdMob Ads and In-App product to remove ads.
You can try removing ads feature by downloading the Testing Release and emailing me at to enable your testing account.
Admin Panel email: password: 123456 PS: this is a demo Admin Panel for test purposes only, changes will not appears in demo APK
The app is available also for iOS, you can use one database and admin panel for both Android & iOS apps
- Upgrading the plugin and SDKs to the latest releases. To apply this update, since there are major changes please copy your content (google-services.json file, drawables, sounds, and so on... ) to the new source code.
- Adding a Delete Account option, to allow users to delete their accounts with all related content. (This option complies with the latest GooglePlay policy). - Adding a back button into the "Rest time" popup, to allow users to accept or to decline showing the video ad. - Upgrading the plugin and SDKs to the latest releases. - Migrating the Google Play Billing Library to the latest version 6.0.0. - Releasing the iOS version, Please check it out: To apply this update, since there are major changes please copy your content (google-services.json file, drawables, sounds, and so on... ) to the new source code.
- Migrating the Google Play Billing Library to the latest version 5.1.0. - Adding notifications permission for android 13. - Updating the documentation file according to the latest updates. To apply this update, since there are major changes please copy your content (google-services.json file, drawables, sounds, and so on... ) to the new source code.
- Comply with the Android 33 SDK and upgrade the plugin and SDKs to the latest releases. - Updating the documentation file according to the latest updates. Admin Panel Updates: - Adding/changing the admin email from Firebase remote config for security reasons. - Adding Filter by category/level, with the ability to show a specific level of category or all levels of the category, or showing all the categories and levels. - Resolving the wrong folder name issue of the edited question image. - Resolving duplicated levels numbers when adding multiple questions. To apply this update, since there are major changes please copy your content (google-services.json file, drawables, sounds, and so on… ) to the new source code.
- Integrating the AdMob Open App Ad, which shows when bringing the app to the foreground again. - Resolve ask friend share image issue on Android 11+. - Resolve answer fields issue on 5.5 (1080x1920) devices. - Migration to the (User Messaging Platform SDK) instead of the deprecated (Consent SDK) for the GDPR. - Upgrading plugin and updating the SDKs dependencies to the latest versions. - Updating the documentation file (AdMob Open App ad, Enable GDPR). To apply this update, since there are major changes please copy your content (google-services.json file, drawables, sounds, and so on… ) to the new source code.
- Migrating the Google Play Billing Library to version 4. - Resolve admin panel issue: not sequential questions number after deleting. - Resolving the percentage issue when replaying the level. - Upgrading AdMob Ads implementation to version 20.0.0. - Upgrading plugin and updating the SDKs dependencies to the latest versions. - Updating the documentation file (Configure and deploy the admin panel). To integrate this update to your existing source code, click here.
- Migrating the Google Play Billing Library to version 3. - Resolving the Admin Panel issue when adding new category levels. - Updating the documentation file (Configure In-App product, Configure and deploy the admin panel). To integrate this update to your existing source code, click here.
New Features: - Support Sound questions using (mp3, wav) sound track with a button to repeat, also with detecting the volume level to warn when it is too low (sound question can be used along with/without image/text. - Adding Countdown timer for each answer, with playing sound effect in the last 5 seconds, count down can be disabled, and the duration can be modified via Firebase remote config. - Uploading the registered user scores and data into the database, to return to the same point when using the app on any device. - Integrating the In-App Review API, to rate and review the app without redirecting the user to Google play store. - Adding (login button for unregistered users) and (logout button for registered users)in the profile UI. - Free Web Admin Panel, connected with the Realtime Firebase database so you can easily add, update, and delete your categories and questions online directly. The admin panel will be deployed on Firebase hosting for free and no domain/hosting are needed. Fixes and Enhancements: - Targeting API 30 and updating the SDKs and Dependencies to the latest versions. - Improving the performance and stability of the answer fields. - Enhancing the quiz UI design. - Updating FCM to support receive foreground notification in android 9 and above. - Fixing the leaderboard issue when users less than 3. - Avoid showing the rest ad again when erasing the answer. - Resolving overwriting issue when erasing letters one by one. - Enhancing the rewarded ads performance when no available ads. - Updating the documentation file(change the number of additional choices, change max number of leaderboard users, Enable/Disable/Update countdown timer duration, Configure and deploy the admin panel). To integrate this update to your existing source code, click here.
Version 1.5 (9th April 2020)
- Minor UI fixes and enhancements. - Updating the plugin and SDKs to the latest versions. To integrate this update to your existing source code, you only need to replace, build.gradle(app), and build.gradle(project) files with changing the applicationId as well.
- Minor UI fixes and enhancements. - Fixing the UI issue in720x1200 screen resolution. - Hiding the ads from categories after purchasing the In-App Product. - Showing the user's total score instead of the category score in the Leaderboard.
New Features: - Erasing any letter from the answer by clicking on it. - Support using multiple words as an answer. - Support adding unlimited categories with adding unlimited levels for each category and unlimited questions for each level. - Signing by Google with a skip button. - Leaderboard (Player name, rank, image, score) which shows the result in real-time. the max number of users can be modified. - User profile (Displaying the user name, email, image, score) with the ability to change the user name and image. - Migrating to AndroidX, targeting API 29 and updating the SDKs and Dependencies to the latest versions. - Revealing the complete answer instead of revealing the first letter only. - Centering the choice and answer boxes instead of aligning them to left or right. - Fixing the UI issue in 854x480 screen resolution. - Displaying the user progress and score average for each category. - Showing a green icon on the completed levels. - Ability to reset any level. - Showing a login button at the end of the level for unregistered users. - Multiple UI enhancements. - Updating the documentation file with new sections and video tutorials.
- Fixing the UI issue in 1440 *2560 screen resolution. - Enhancing the rewarded ad performance. To upgrade from version 1.2 to version 1.3 you only need to replace ( file.
- Ability to define a pass score average to unlock the next level. - Skip Question: After watching rewarded ad. - Consuming 1 score if answer is wrong. - Ability to define the number of consumed scores for skipped question, with checking scores before skipping the question. - Updating documentation file section 4, and creating a guide (How to upgrade to version 1.2)
-Enhance sound effects performance. -Resolve (reveal first letter) problem.
Initial release.
Jan 08, 2025 17:52 PM