Smart Home iOS App : Home page contains : o Lists the devices o Filters them to show one or more types at the same time o Can delete any device Create a control page for each device type o Lights: Mode ON/OFF and intensity management (0 – 100) o Roller shutters: Set position using a vertical slider (0 – 100) o Heaters: Mode ON/OFF and set the temperature with a step of 0.5 degrees (min: 7°, max 28°)
Create a user profile page where we can display and update all the informations.
—-—-—-—-—-—Technical informations --—-—-—-—-——-
Dark & Light Mode available
Programmatically UI (UIKit)
Language : Swift 5
Design Pattern : MVVM (Model View ViewModel)
Manage local database
Pods : RxSwift, RxCocoa, RealmSwift, IQKeyboardManagerSwift
Translating the app (french & english)