Movie Box iOS 13 support, Swift 5

12 Sales
Movie Box iOS 13 support, Swift 5

Are you looking for a high quality streaming application for business on AppStore or app development purposes for saving time and effort?.

You came to the right place!!!. Movie Box is a beautifully designed movie application-optimized display with iPhone and iPad allows you to have a rough review of a movie before deciding to spend your precious time enjoying it or simply get more information about movies to chat with friends.

  • You have a high-quality banner image
  • The duration of the movie
  • Average review score
  • Movie content summary
  • Cast
  • Crew
  • And most interesting is that you can watch the video trailer of the movie

This application is for entertainment purpose only and is fully native, created in the latest Xcode version, support all latest feature of the iOS platform to provide the best user experience. The application is specially optimized, super easy to re-skin and customization


This app has 3 main screens:

  1. Featured: List of all featured movies
  2. Search: Strong and dynamic search bar
  3. About: Info of author
  1. You need a Macbook or MacOS computer with Xcode IDE installed (latest version), you can easily download in here
  2. You will need a Firebase account if want to chase this app with metrics
  3. You will need an Apple developer account if want to publish this interesting app on App Store

Please leave your comments and reviews when you have invested in this product so we can know your thoughts and feelings. So we can serve you better. Our mission is always to put customer satisfaction at the highest level in our goals

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Quality checked by DigiBazzy
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12 Sales