WARNING: This mega menu won’t be replaced with default or any menus. This plugin will be created a special mega menu and you can use it anywhere and you can use anything in the mega menu.
TEST DRIVE SANDBOX: https://themeofwp.com/plugins/mega-monster-menu/admin/
QUICK SETUP VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAQc5U1xaG4
TOP DEMO: https://themeofwp.com/plugins/mega-monster-menu/
BOTTOM DEMO: https://themeofwp.com/plugins/mega-monster-menu/bottom-mega-menu/
ALTERNATIVE DEMO: https://themeofwp.com/plugins/mega-monster-menu/mega-monster-alternative/
Create user-friendly, powerful role basis, compatible with any theme and plugin mega menu and You can use it per page basis, role basis or the whole site. Also, you can use anything in the mega menus. No dependencies, no need to WP menus.
Mega Monster Menu will impress your visitors, clients quickly. You can create mega menus easily with Mega Menu Monster!
Jan 08, 2025 08:07 AM