Mass Users Password Reset Pro Plugin for WordPress

6 Sales
Mass Users Password Reset Pro Plugin for WordPress

Reset multiple user’s password in just one click with Mass User Password Reset Pro:

View the comparison between MUPR and WordPress password reset

MASS Users Password Reset is a WordPress Plugin that lets you resets the password of all users. It can group the users according to their role and resets password of that group. It sends notification email to users about their new randomly generated password. The pro version comes with the multiple methods to reset the password and customized email templates with the new password information. It supports multiple languages and also compatible with the WooCommerce, BuddyPress and Dokan - Multivendor Marketplace.

Mass User Password Reset Pro Features:

  • Mass Users Password Reset Pro is a WordPress plugin that gives you an option for resetting the password of users by various ways.
  • You can group users by their role or by additional custom field values and reset password of that group only.
  • Individual user’s password reset option and Bulk action of Reset password for multiple selected users can be done in default users page.
  • WordPress multisite compatible
  • An email notification containing new password will be send to users and you can customize email template by using predefined placeholders.
  • Instead of sending plain text password, there is also the facility of sending Reset Password Link to users so that users can themselves reset their password
  • Multilingual Translation Enabled
  • compatible with woocommerce
  • There is also a pagination added to the all users list.

WP CLI Support

Following is the list of the WP CLI commands you can use

1) wp mupr reset --all
2) wp mupr reset --role="name" 
3) wp mupr reset --user_id="1 2 3 4 5" 
4) wp mupr reset --role="name" --meta_key="key" --meta_value="value" meta_compare="!= | > | >= | < | <= | LIKE | NOT LIKE | IN | NOT IN | EXISTS | NOT EXISTS" 
5) wp mupr reset --meta_key="key" --meta_value="value" meta_compare="!= | > | >= | < | <= | LIKE | NOT LIKE | IN | NOT IN | EXISTS | NOT EXISTS" 
6) wp mupr update option --reset_link="enabled|disable" 
7) wp mupr update option --test_mode="enabled|disabled" --test_mode_email="" 

WordPress multisite

Installation guide

You can install the Mass User Password Reset Pro in three simple steps.
  1. Download and upload the plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. You can see the ‘Mass Users Password Reset’ submenu inside the ‘Users’ menu.

Features Comparison

What Our Customers Say


What is the length of generated password?

The length of randomly generated password is 8 characters, but by applying filter ‘mupr_password_length’ you can customize it. For Example: Write this code in function file
function my_theme_function(){
    return 6;

When notification mail will be send?

When user will choose to generate new password, an email with the new random password will be sent to users.

Is it possible not to send any email if admin resets the password using any of the method of the plugin?

Yes, it is possible. You just need to add below code in the theme’s function file.
add_filter( 'mupr_send_email', '__return_false' );


Customer satisfaction is our top most priority. We would love to solve any query you may have about the plugin. You can reach us via or you can also email us your queries at We will be in touch with you as soon as possible. It generally takes 2 days for that.


03 July 2023

"- Fixed: Bugfix and compatibility with latest version."

03 October 2022

"- Added: Preview email template option."
"- Fixed: WordPress coding standards issue."

22 October 2020

"- Fixed: User list table bug."

11 August 2020

"- Added: Select multiple custom field value."
"- Added: New mupr user notification HTML email template."
"- Added: New filter for exclude valid password reset link."
"- Added: New filter ( `mupr_email_recipient` ) for adding extra email to receive the same email sent to the user when password is reset."
"- Added: New setting option for reset link expiration time."
"- Improve: Large database user query."

21 April 2020

"- Added: New menu config filter."

13 April 2020

"- Added: mupr add-on link."

13 December 2019

"- Added: Cancel button for cancel ajax request."
"- Fixed: Visul text editor issue."

4 December 2019

"- UI improve."

29 July 2019

"- Multisite support added."

12 June 2019

"- Compatible with BuddyPress and Dokan multi-vendor."
"- WP CLI support added."
"- User column for user list table added."

25 April 2019

"- Updated the plugin UI."

12 March 2019

"- Added: Test mode."

23 July 2018

"- Made compatible for system having very large number of users."

16 June 2018

"- Made WooCommerce compatible"

13 March 2018

"- Added: Reset Password link in mail."

25 December 2017

"- Added: Translation enabled."
License Option
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6 Sales