Created: 07/07/2023
By: Darsan
Thank you for purchasing my Project. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thanks so much!
<!1. Open the Unity Hub and Click Add
2. Select The Folder that Contains Assets Folder
3. Select the Apporopiate Target Platform and Unity Version(Unity will automatically set unity version if you already installed same version)
4. Click Layout and select Load Layout from file
4. Select the Layout and click Open
5. Open the splash scene and click play
1. Go to File->Build Settings and click Player Settings
2. Change App Name,Company name,Icon,Package Name
1. Go to File->Build Settings and click Player Settings
2. Set the Keystore and password Then Click Build(UnCheck the Build App Bundle for build the apk for testing.)
1. Set the App ids in Mobile Ads Setting Assets->Google Mobile Ads->Setting
2. Set the ads ids in Settings MyGames->Settings->AdsSettings
qml9ka_gaNTk2MDE4MjI1LjE2ODYzMDQ1MTI._ga_CW55HF8NVTMTY4NjMwNDUxNC4xLjEuMTY4NjMwNTg5MC4wLjAuMA..” alt=”HTML Structure” />
3.R esolve Dependencies and make sure it succeed(Assets->External Dependenct Manager->Android Resover->Force Resolve). if you got error you might have problem with jdk setup. Please check more info about setup jdk in Unity.
So, Replace with your own ids the current ids are test ids of admob you can use to test it. To disable admob check this video
1. Open the Project Setting and Select Services (Edit -> Project Settings)
2. Create The New Project in Services
3. Activate The InApp
4. Activate The Ads
5. Go To Game Settings (My Games-> Settings->AdsSettings)
6. Set Up the App ids in Unity Ads Settings
1m4oo97_gaNTk2MDE4MjI1LjE2ODYzMDQ1MTI._ga_CW55HF8NVTMTY4NjMwNDUxNC4xLjEuMTY4NjMwNTk1MC4wLjAuMA..” alt=”HTML Structure” />Set your service before test.
Make sure you don’t have any Errors in console. if you got errors just restart the unity. To disable unity ads check this video
1. Open Ads Settings (MyGames->Settings->AdsSettings)
2. SetUp Consent Settings
zyxpre_gaNTk2MDE4MjI1LjE2ODYzMDQ1MTI._ga_CW55HF8NVTMTY4NjMwNDUxNC4xLjEuMTY4NjMwNjI2Mi4wLjAuMA..” alt=”HTML Structure” />1. Open the Game Setting (My Games->Settings->IAPSettings)
2. Set product id in for remove ads (you can set any id without violating rules)
h6tkri_gaNTk2MDE4MjI1LjE2ODYzMDQ1MTI._ga_CW55HF8NVTMTY4NjMwNDUxNC4xLjEuMTY4NjMwNjAwMC4wLjAuMA..” alt=”HTML Structure” />3. Create The product in Play Store with same product id
In app purchase on phone only work once you publish the game. you can publish the game in test mode. If game have other inapp purchase check the MyGames->Store to set up.
1. Locate The Sprites Folder and open in the Finder/Explorer
2. Open the File in the Image Editor Program(Photoshop/Gimp/Affinity Designer/...)
3. Then Edit and Save
Don’t replace the sprites with new sprites in unity/finder. its possilbe to mesh up the game because of sprite size. we recommend to edit the current sprite in image editor program if you can replace graphics there without changing the size.
Please check the Playlist for list of videos.
1. Open the MyGames->Settings->Store
2. Setup Ios App Id – If you are plan to publish ios set the app id. No need for android
_gaNTk2MDE4MjI1LjE2ODYzMDQ1MTI._ga_CW55HF8NVT*MTY4NjMwNDUxNC4xLjEuMTY4NjMwNjQzNC4wLjAuMA.." alt="HTML Structure" />
Please check the playlist for list of videos.
Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this Project. As I said at the beginning, I’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this Project. No guarantees, but I’ll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the themes on ThemeForest, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the “Item Discussion” section.
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Jan 08, 2025 21:07 PM