Ionic Toolkit Pay is a mobile app integrated with the best-known payment service providers and gateways that allows you to have a head start on incorporating mobile payments into any Ionic mobile application. Paypal, Braintree and Stripe, just to name a few, are included in a codebase with proven practices and sophisticated software architecture.
In a nutshell
Ionic Toolkit Pay allows you to accept online payments by letting users pay with their mobile devices. It applies best practices and software architecture.
- Ideal to get familiar with mobile payments and get the most of it
- Clean and user-friendly interface
- Highly customizable structure, with modular architecture
- Easy installation, detailed quick start guide
- Free updates: new features added constantly
- One codebase compatible with Android and iOS
- Quick and efficient Support
Feature request
Help us improve this app in a way that absolutely makes sense.
Suggest the next feature you would like to see implemented. We are taking suggestions very seriously.
Android .APK
Preview on iOS and Android – Ionic View
Note: Some features are not fully functional for preview on Ionic View. Especially, those that need to launch another application of the device such as “Get directions” which launches device’s Maps application.
Stripe is one of the most powerful and flexible tools for internet commerce. The use of its API and its configuration is clean and well-documented. Server and client side code is demonstrated for making transactions from within the mobile app.
Paypal is a trusted brand with a long history on processing payments on the web. Its solid interface and improved API makes it still very popular and the easiest to configure with minimal setup effort.
Braintree offers everything you need to start accepting payments. It is a payment gateway that allows you to accept debit/credit cards and payments via a Paypal account through a single integration.
Ionic design
This app is based on the UI elements that the Ionic Framework provides. Ionic Framework comes with a detailed and impressive
CSS components for layout styling. Moreover, Ionic comes with its own
icon library built in which contains almost everything you should need. Use Ionic’s UI components and they will give you a fully customised and functional UI.
This is a product of
AppSeed. Find out more by visiting our website or contact us via our support center
Change log
1.0 - Mar 09, 2018
- Initial Release