Grocery Cashier is a HTML5 game where you play as a cashier in your very own grocery store with a realistic supermarket cash register, practice addition and subtraction as well as money handling skills.
The ZIP package contains the game with 1280×768 resolution that scales to fit the whole screen device, but it may not be perfectly full screen.
How To Play:
1. Enter the price of item and press + button.
2. Once the last item is entered, press TOTAL button.
3. If voucher is given, enter the voucher amount and press – button.
4. Enter the payment and press PAY button.
5. Make changes by pressing right amount of bills and coins in register and press DONE button.
Version 1.7 - Prevent iframe scrolling Version 1.6 - Updated sound function - Added music button Version 1.5 - Add-on script integrated Version 1.4: - Added settings option - Option to disable share option - Update Google to Whatsapp share Version 1.3: - Fixed audio not playing in Chrome browser Version 1.2: - Fixed iOS Safari fullscreen Version 1.1: - Fixed number overlay - Added keyboard input