This full width background gallery plugin is a extended version of full width background slider with an option to add unlimited slides and a revolutionary feature of adding youtube video to the background. You can add a different video to each page or slider to one page and video to other page and background color to another page.
This plugin allows you full flexibility of whether you want to use it on pages or posts or not or in what way you want to use it.
Here are the snaps of backend.
== version 1.1.6 == 1. Removed inline css and added css in separate css file. 2. I have mode on “use strict” in js files. 3. Used on(); rather than .click(), .bind(), .hover(), .submit(), etc. 4. Used esc_attr__() function on places __() & _e(). 5. Used a unique prefix for all function names, custom image sizes, classes, constants, hooks, public/global variables, and database entries to avoid conflict issues with plugins and other themes. 6. Removed @import . 7. Made the demo full working . == version 1.1.5 == * WP5.6 compatibility. * Fixed admin js issue. == version 1.1.4 == 1. Fixed Chrome Browser image sliding issue. == version 1.1.3 == 1. Fixed jQUeryUI style conflicting issue. 2. Removed plugin update from server code. == version 1.1.0 == 1. Updated plugin admin menu look & feel. 2. Added video mute/unmute option. 3. Added enable/disable gallery option for login page. 4. Fixed some jquery and style issues. == version 1.1.1 == 1. Fixed the video repeat issue. == version 1.1.2 == 1. Fixed slider control issue in IE with HTML-5 . 2. Added option in plugin edit settings to enable/disable Video controls.
Jan 08, 2025 07:32 AM