An extension for WooCommerce, this plugin helps you add an event in WooCommerce. Beautiful view for a single event and archive events. It can work with all WordPress themes. It has archive page events: Grid 4 column, grid 3 column, grid 2 column, list event. You can book events via WooCommerce. You can set up payment via WooCommerce easily.
Step 1: Add New product
Step 2: In Product data, select product type is Event
Step 3: Insert data in product setting.
Price event display: This price is for display only in event page, it is not for calculation
Ticket in event: You can add unlimited tickets in the event.
Name ticket: This is name ticket to display in the detail event page
Price ticket: Price to calculator when customer booking.
Number ticket: It is used to calculate the number of tickets left. Ticket left = number ticket – (number ticket booked in order + number ticket booked in cart). number ticket booked in order depends on the setting “status order not allow booking product” in WooCommerce -> Setting -> Event -> General
Description: This is description to display in the detail event page.
Tab General:
Start date: Start date to start event
End date: End date to end event.
Status event depends start date and end date:
Whether customers can book tickets or not depends on the status of the event and the settings “Enable status event for booking” in WooCommerce -> Setting -> Event -> General, default is upcoming
Address: This is address to diplay in event
Link video youtube: To display video youtube in detail event page
Iframe map: To display map by iframe
Tab Info:
Name: This is the name of Organizers to display in the detail event page
Email: This is the email of Organizers to display in the detail event page
Phone: This is the phone of Organizers to display in the detail event page
Website: This is the website of Organizers to display in the detail event page
Description: This is the description of Organizers to display in the detail event page
Tab Form contact:
Shortcode contact form: You can insert shortcode to display contact form. It is display in the detail event page
Step 4: Customer booking ticket.
Status event depends start date and end date:
Whether customers can book tickets or not depends on the status of the event and the settings “Enable status event for booking” in WooCommerce -> Setting -> Event -> General, default is upcoming
Archive event list
Archive event grid 2 columns
Archive event grid 3 columns
Archive event grid 4 columns
Single event page
v1.0.6 - 2023/03/22 - Update fix validate quantity ticket in event when customer checkout
v1.0.5 - 2022/09/03 - Update fix responsive mobile single event no sidebar - Update fix translate calendar booking
v1.0.4 - 2022/04/27 - Fix compatible any theme (break single product page) - Update customize, font-size, color text, button - Fix some issue
v1.0.3 - 2022/02/09 - Clean code
v1.0.2 - 2021/12/31 - Fixed error text translate language - Add function customize change color in event - Add function customize change width sidebar event
v1.0.1 - 2021/11/19 - Add unlimited ticket in event - Update share, calendar in event
v1.0.0 - 2021/11/10 - Initial release
Jan 07, 2025 09:25 AM