Digibank – is an Advanced Digital Banking solution that is mainly used for Digital and Physical Banking Websites. It is a flexible Banking Script where all the banking facilities are available. In the system, visitors can register as a bank user to the application and, deposit to the account, also can make the FDR or DPS by using that deposited amount. In the system, there are DPS, FDR, Loan and Bill payment, Multi Wallets or Currency and Virtual card creation features available. The user can make a DPS for a particular time period and amount and can receive the DPS amount with the profit after it’s maturity. It is also possible to make FDR which had some FDR plans, the bank users would keep the funds to their FDR as block money and they would receive the profit from that money every a little period of time. FDR has the compounding system available. The bank users also can apply for the Loan by maintaining all the processes of the bank. The admin or bank owner will be able to approve the loan or reject it if it does not fulfill the requirements.
They also can get the Signup Bonus for registering to the website and they also can earn referrals. It has various referral levels to get the referral bonus. Also, user can pay their bills using this application. There is an integrated automatic payment gateway like Paypal, Stripe, Mollie, Coinbase, Paystack, VogurePay, Coingate, Flutterwave, and many more. Also, it has an automatic withdrawal method to withdraw the money to the user account directly. It has a manual deposit and withdrawal method available. There is a Portfolio system on the application, users can reach any of the portfolios to improvise their transactions or earnings. One user can transfer the funds to other users and other banks too. There is a Rewards system where users can redeem the rewards and get paid from the bank. All these features are controlled from the Admin dashboard.
Demo Page: https://digibank-features.tdevs.co/
Default Landing Page: https://digibank.tdevs.co/
Corporate Landing Page: https://digibank-corporate.tdevs.co/
User Login: https://digibank.tdevs.co/login
Email: user@digibank.com, Password: 12345678
Admin Login: https://digibank.tdevs.co/admin
Email: admin@digibank.com, Password: 12345678
Stripe Demo Card: 4242424242424242
Expiry Date: Any date in the future, CVV: 123
In the Dashboard menu, If there is a Manual deposit, Pending Withdraw request, and Pending KYCs, Loan requests and, Support Tickets then Admin can see this after logging into the admin panel. They are immediate tasks to complete first. Then admin can see the cards of all the basic data of the website. Also can see the statistics for the Last 7 Days of Deposits, DPS, FDR, Loan, Bill and, Withdrawal. You can explore other statistics and Recently Registered users.
In the Customers menu, there are all the registered customers can be found, There are other Active customers, Closed customers, Disabled customers and the admin can send all the users any message immediately. Admin can edit any of the customer details to find his activities. Admin can add or subtract balance from any user. Admin can change all the performing statuses. Admin also can add any new bank customer to the system.
KYC Management
Admin can set the KYC form and check and review each of the user’s KYC. Admin can see the histories of the KYC.
Manage Roles and Manage Staffs
In the Manage Roles menus, the admin can add any of the roles to the application and can assign any of the permissions to that role. And in the Manage Staffs menu admin can add new staff and can assign any of the roles to the staff with his permission.
All the Transactions can be explored in this menu.
All the Wallet can be explored here and can be created the wallet by admin.
Virtual Card
All the virtual cards can be shown here by the admin and handle them.
User and Bank profits can be explored under the profit sections.
Fund Transfer
Admin can review the pending fund transfers. Also, can setup the process for Wire and Other bank transfers.
Admin can setup the DPS plans and review the Ongoing DPS.
Admin can setup the FDR plans and review the Ongoing FDR.
Admin can setup the Loan plans and review the Loan requests.
Bill Management and History
Admin can import the service, convert rates and, check out the bill lists. Also, can be explored the bill histories.
Automatic Gateways
Admin can see the automatic payment gateways for deposit and withdrawal. He can set multiple currencies in a single gateway supported. Multiple currency-supported gateways are available.
In the Deposit menu, the admin can edit any of the automatic deposit methods. Also, can set the Manual Deposit methods and review any of the manual deposit requests. Also can explore the deposit histories.
Automatic and Manual Withdraws
Admin can set for user automatic withdraw and manual withdraw methods.
Manage Referral
Admin can set the Multi Level Referrals with the percentages.
Admin Can set the Portfolio Levels with the Badge system. Once the user reaches the amount to earn using the transactions the user will unlock the Badge and get a bonus. The bonus amount will be set by the admin.
Rewards System
Admin can setup the rewards based on Portfolios. Users will earn the reward points and can redeem them. Also can receive the amount for the redeems.
Under the Site settings admin can set the site essentials and manage the permission and so many essential stuffs. In email settings admin can setup the SMTP.
Landing Page
All the home page sections can be managed by the admin here.
All the page’s contents and can add a new custom page from this menu by admin.
Site Navigation
All the site Navigation, Header, Footer and User dashboard Navigation can be handled from this menu.
Under the Template menu admin can manage Email, SMS and Notification templates.
Theme Management
There only one theme now also, there is an option to upload an HTML theme to run the HTML template on as a website landing page or other pages.
All Subscribers
Admin can see all the subscribers and send the message to them from here.
Support Tickets
Admin can explore all the Support Tickets from this menu.
Custom CSS
Admin can add custom CSS code from this menu.
Cron Jobs
Admin can setup the cron job for the needs of the systems.
Clear Caches
Admin can Clear Caches to click this menu.
Application Details
In this menu, the admin can explore the full Application Details
In the dashboard sidebar, there are wallet, portfolio badge and, account number. There the user can see the KYC submission bar to submit the KYC if the user does not submit the KYC before. On this page, users can also see the Portfolio Level with Badge. Also, users can explore statistics and Recent Transactions.
Users can deposit from here using any automatic or manual deposit method.
Fund Transfer
Users can transfer the fund to another bank user and same banks. Also, can transfer the Wire and Swift.
Users can DPS any of the plans and get the profit after the time periods.
Users can FDR any of the plans and get the profit after the time periods.
Users can apply for the Loan and get the fund on their account.
Pay Bill
User can pay the bills using this section. It will available for some particular countries.
User All Transactions will show there.
Withdraw Money
User need to add Withdraw account first then can request a Withdraw. Once a request is created the admin need to review the request and send money to the user manually.
All the user Referral details will show here. Also can be shown the referral tree.
Under the portfolio user can see the unlocked and locked badges.
Under the Rewards page user can explore the reward points and can redeem them.
Support Ticket
User can open a ticket to the admin and admin can reply on that ticket to solve the issues or anything.
On the settings page, the user can edit and update all the profile settings here. Also can change the Password, manage the security, submit the KYC etc.
[Fixed] - Localization content edit issue. [Fixed] - Auto withdraw gateway refund issue [Fixed] - Register page error issue. [Fixed] - Menu duplication issue in coinefy theme. [Fixed] - Language edit error issue. [Fixed] - Received amount minus color issue. [Fixed] - KYC pending issue after reject/approve action. [Fixed] - System improvements.Version 1.5 – 12th Nov 2024
[Added] - Subscribe to the DPS from the admin dashboard. [Added] - Subscribe to the FDR from the admin dashboard. [Added] - Subscribe to Loan from the admin dashboard. [Fixed] - Fixed language error. [Fixed] - System improvement.Version 1.4 – 20th Oct 2024
[Fixed] - Loan rejected success issue. [Fixed] - Ticket counter issue on user dashboard. [Fixed] - Bank profit issue. [Fixed] - Coinbase gateway 500 error issue. [Fixed] - KYC pending issue.Version 1.3 – 24 Sept 2024
[Fixed] - Missing theme issue. [Fixed] - Improve System. [Fixed] - The wire transfer fields option remove issues.Version 1.2 – 23 Sept 2024
[Added] - New landing theme. [Added] - Multiple wallet system. [Added] - Virtual card system. [Added] - Fund transfer charge. [Added] - New Roles & Permission. [Added] - Card Limit For Per User [Added] - Card Creation & Card Top-up Features Enabled/Disabled Option In Permission Settings. [Added] - Card Top-up Minimum And Maximum Amount Limit. [Fixed] - Fund transfer validation and charge issue. [Fixed] - Server 500 issue. [Fixed] - Wire transfer error. [Fixed] - FDR Compounding issue. [Fixed] - Fund transfer error issue. [Fixed] - Referral page error issue. [Fixed] - Call to action disable error issue. [Fixed] - FDR error issue. [Fixed] - Reward point bug issue. [Fixed] - Email, SMS, Push Notification template error issue on edit. [Fixed] - System improvement. [Fixed] - KYC notification issue.Version 1.1 – 14 July, 2024
[Added] - Script Installer. [Added] - Own bank fund transfer charge. [Fixed] - New page section error issue. [Fixed] - Google Analytics issue fixed. [Fixed] - KYC pending warning issue. [Fixed] - Textarea design issue on the KYC submission page. [Fixed] - Landing page navigation menu active. [Fixed] - Send money receiver transaction does not show. [Fixed] - Privacy page dark version text color issue. [Fixed] - Country logo issue on register page. [Fixed] - Powerful section image issue.Version 1.0 – 13 Jun, 2024
Initial Release
Note: Full system is ready for start business instantly.
Jan 04, 2025 03:42 AM