Crime Wars of San Andreas is an open world crime life simulator. You play as a cool gangster of big criminal organization. Your task is to defeat the gangsters of other bands and clear the city from the mafia. In this game, you can go where you want, drive on any car you like and make a real chaos on the streets. Using the minimaps you can find weapons and useful items that help you to reach the goal or just have fun.Initially, there are 6 districts in the game, in each of which you need to restore order. In each district you will have at your disposal one of the cool cars and a unique gun for the massacre of bad guys.
• Different weapons such as pistol, shotgun and rocket launcher
• Tons of cars to control: sport car, taxi, bus, firetruck and others
• Wave System (random enemy settings)
• Traffic system (traffic vehicles AI and pedestrians AI)
• Random city generator (1 click = new city)
• Menu with unlockable levels
• Admob Ads integrated
To use this project you need to install Unity 2021.2.7f (or newer version) from Unity Hub.
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Setup Admob for Android
1) On Admob site create new Android app with interstitial and banner ad unit ids.
2) In Unity top menu go to Assets – Google Mobile Ads – Settings. Under Admob Ad Id label put your App Id from Admob website for Android.
3) Open /Assets/GAME/Scripts/GameUI.cs script. At line 15 put your Banner Ad Id from Admob website. At line 16 put your Interstitial Ad Id from Admob website.
Setup Admob for iOS
1) On Admob site create new iOS app with interstitial and banner ad unit ids.
2) In Unity top menu go to Assets – Google Mobile Ads – Settings. Under Admob Ad Id label put your App Id from Admob website for iOS.
3) Open /Assets/GAME/Scripts/GameUI.cs script. At line 18 put your Banner Ad Id from Admob website. At line 19 put your Interstitial Ad Id from Admob website.
You need to know Unity basics to make below steps. If you don’t know, just upload game to store as is.
Player setup
Player character is Player object in Hierarchy view. To change it you need import to Unity other 3D model and changeit Rig to Humanoid. Then drag it to scene and in Unity top menu click Tools – Third Person Controller – Character Builder. Assign you model to Character tab and click Build. Then copy all other components from original Player to your new Player and copy weapons from right hand of original Player to your own. When your player is read, put it to project (make prefab) in /Assets/GAME/Prefabs/Player. Assign it on MainCamera – CameraController – Character field. Assign it on MAIN – GameController – Player field and Player Center field (player center can be Hips).
Level setup
In each level you can make a waves of enemies. For example, open /Assets/GAME/Scenes/Game.scene. It’s first level. Click on MAIN object and in Inspector view look at GameController component. You can see Waves list. You can edit them and add new just increasing Size. There you can drop enemies prefabs for wave.
Enemies Setup
It’s similar to setup of player. You can find enemies objects /Assets/GAME/Prefabs/Enemy. Different is that you need to enable “Is AI Agent” in Character Builder before build. Then copy components from existing enemy and weapons from hand. Make new prefab with your enemy and assign it to one of level waves.
Pedestrians setup
All pedestrians located in /Assets/GAME/Prefabs/Humans/ folder. Just copy all components from one of existing pedestrian to your own and put it to prefab. Then assign them on object MAIN – AI Controller – Human Prefabs list. Vehicles setup All vehicles located in /Assets/GAME/Prefabs/Vehicle/ folders. /Empty/ subfolder contains empty vehicles, /Traffic/ subfolder contains AI vehicles with drivers.
To make a new vehicle you need a vehicle model with four separate wheels. As always, copy all components from existing vehicle. Copy all child objects from existing vehicle and assign them in components of root object. Assign created vehicles on object MAIN – AI Controller – Vehicle Prefabs list. How to generate new city
To generate cities we are using DungeonArchitect plugin. On game scene there is DungeonItems object. It contains all city objects. For fast city generation: 1) Change DungeonItems scale to 1, 1, 1; 2) On DungeonSimpleCity object click DestroyDungeon. Below in WaypointGenerator object click Clear Waypoints. 3) On SimpleCityDungeonConfig component Bu Seed number to any other. 4) Click Build Dungeon. 5) Change DungeonItems scale to 3, 3, 3;