The only plugin which gives you full control over managing your recipes, display users recipes in different styles.
This plugin is best suitable for a recipes listing website and who wants to add an option for others to submit their recipes as well. With very easy to install and use.
Layout and styles work in all the major browsers and have massive features to use for you to enable or disable the title, Thumbnail and many other options, for more details you can browse through the pages on live demo.
v4.3.1 - 2018-06-19 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - - en_ES.po v4.3 - 2018-06-19 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Fixed - The Missing parameter for the post thumbnail in print page - empty variable for the recipe equipment section - recipe ads height issue in single page layout - code indentation in the core file - rcp_custom_tags issue - settings page jm_activetab issue Note: Take a backup of your plugin files before updating the plugin. v4.2 - 2018-03-30 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Fixed - Columns issue when scrolling for the categories - Register process does not sends password for new user - Responsive Issue with the categories columns v4.1 – 2018-03-21 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Fixed - Issue with likes not working with last updates - Responsive issues with 4 columns not working v4.0 - 2018-03-14 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Hide Load more by default - Login logout link option on the settings page. - Tags template for recipes posts - Add Equipment used option - Columns for recipe contributors - VC addon for the featured recipe - Comments pagination - Favorites count display without anchor link - Favorited message - Taxonomy pages - Options for success and edit messages when submitting form complete - Nutrition names dropdown added in front-end form - Remove favorites feature - Load recipe style first - Front Styling - Single Recipe Detail inner is added - Nutrition Facts are added - Default class for archive and remove the epicer sidebar and added get a sidebar - Hide rating option - Global option for hiding ratings - Texteditor for email - Manual update plugin feature - Administrator submission condition - User role condition ### Changed - Print styling - Rating Global Options - Responsive fixes - Updated the cookpro_textdomain for localization - Recipe Styling - Major changes in design ### Fixed - Recent Comment load more enable - load more issue - issue print page steps styling issue - settings area only administrator can view not the contributor - An issue with the button color not working. - Email sending option for Users - Email sending option for Admins - The issue with multiple admin email option - UTF Character issue within an email - wrong class names for the taxonomy templates - empty display search results - categories list shortcode issue - steps alignment issue - limit issue - VC columns issue - undefined variable issue - undefined variable issue - unexpected error - unexpected output issue - the plugin generated expected error … - VC fatal error - division by zero issue - infinite scroll issue - favorites count issue - comment date issue - update plugin button CSS issue fixed - captcha issue in edit recipe ### Removed - unwanted button color option - the editor support - rating validation - anchor link for favorites if it is already favorited - comments limit and order by v3.0 - 2017-09-19 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Hide/show cook time. - Hide/show difficulty level. - Hide/show yields display. - Hide/show ratings. - Hide/show author info. - Ajax Load option for the taxonomy defaults to infinite. - Vendor prefixes in CSS. ### Changed - Top rated recipes display style. - Recent Recipes display style. - CSS indentation. - CSS validation with Linter. - Icons for the style 2 recipes. - Description of edit recipe fields. ### Fixed - Code indentation. - Taxonomy issue with recipe methods display. - Responsive issues with the recipes display. - An issue with display in published date of the recipe in style 2 - Stars display for the rating issue in style 2 - Conflict with other VC Plugin. - Tabs not working issue after 4.8.1 - Recipe Gallery on the single page. v2.0 - 2017-07-18 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Recipe square image sizes. - Button color options for the frontend. - Recipe Style 2 display option. - Load more recipe on scroll option. - Load more recipe on the scroll for all the shortcodes. - Option to display horizontal / vertical recipe styles. - Editor option for the recipe post types. - Option to show/hide the cook time. - Option to show/hide the difficulty level. - Option to show/hide the yields. - Option to show/hide the ratings. - Option to show/hide the author. - Option to change color for the primary button. - Option to change color for the secondary button. - Tags archive page for the recipes. - Archive page for the recipes. - Taxonomy page for the recipes. - Taxonomy page for the cuisines. - Taxonomy page for the recipe method. ### Fixed - Missing button color options in the backend. - Recipe rating color changed. - Conflict with Voux theme. - Conflict with WP-Yoast SEO plugin. - Conflict with other themes. - Filter and hooks modified for extending plugin in future. - Ingredients and steps textarea height for other devices. v1.3 - 2017-05-13 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - The condition for the logout to the only primary menu ### Fixed - Description for the meta fields. - New functionality for the list items of the ingredients. - PHP_EOL for the ingredients list. v1.2 - 2017-05-09 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - VC Addon for the Top Rated Recipes. - VC Addon for the Top Contributor. - VC Addon for the Submit Form. - Default search results for the recent recipes. - VC Addon for the Recent Recipes. - VC Addon for the Most Viewed Recipes. - VC Addon for the Most Liked Recipes. - VC Addon for the Most Favorite Recipes. - VC Addon for the Login Form. - VC Addon for the Featured Chef. - VC Addon for the Recipe Categories. - VC Addon for the User Lists. - VC Addon for the User Profile display. ### Changed - Frontend UI styles for the list items responsive. - User-friendly ingredients section with groupings. - User-friendly steps section with groups. ### Removed - sortable option for the ingredients. :warning:*Existing buyers please do not update before taking a backup. Take a backup of your recipes ingredients and steps in a text file for each and then once you updated the plugin make sure everything is fine, After that, you need to edit the recipes and manually copy your existing recipe ingredients and the steps with the methods as pointed in the field description in the front end.* :warning:*If you have any doubts we will be freely updating your plugin for this version. Kindly please contact us via our dedicated support forum.* v1.1 - 2017-04-17 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Categories/cuisines in Recent Recipes Widget. - Categories/cuisines in Liked Recipes Widget. - Categories/cuisines in Favorite Recipes Widget. - Categories/cuisines in Liked Recipes Widget. - Rounded buttons for the whole UI. - Serve/cook/prep and level output in top-rated recipes shortcode. - Serve/cook/prep and level output in top-rated recipes widget. - Display recent recipes in the search recipes. - Most Viewed Recipe Shortcode. - Most Liked Recipe Shortcode. - Most Top Rated Recipe Shortcode. - Most Favorite Recipe Shortcode.