Add additional features to your products and compare them against other items side by side in a clean, organized table using the plugin Compare Products for WooCommerce. With an easy to use drag and drop interface, add, modify, or delete a category or product feature, all without leaving the settings page. Features can also be displayed in a separate tab on the products page, or any page for that matter using a shortcode.
2.1 - 2021-09-28 - Added: Ability to share a comparison table via unique URL - Added: Toggle button to highlight different rows in the comparison table - Added: New shortcode for displaying the comparison button - Added: New options to select image size for basket and table - Added: Ability to hide empty row in Single Product "Features" tab - Enhanced: Session handler remembers if floating basket is open/closed between page loads - Enhanced: Prevent multiple compare buttons from being selected at the same time to prevent errors - Enhanced: Better handling when all items are removed while viewing comparison table - Enhanced: Added more classes to the comparison table for better CSS customization - Enhanced: Product images in comparison basket and table linkable to product - Enhanced: Organized settings page into sections - Enhanced: Various code changes to meet CodeCanyon standards and requirements - Fixed: jQuery error in the dashboard after WordPress 5.5 upgrade - Fixed: Widget display overriding basket content when clicking 'Remove All' button - Fixed: Error message not appearing in compare basket - Fixed: Checkbox unmarked when limit has been exceeded - Fixed: Attribute settings not appearing in the table when no custom features exist - Fixed: 'Remove All' link not working first time in widget basket - Fixed: Corrected a couple strings that could not be translated previously - Fixed: Featured Tab sorting problem on Single Products page
For a complete list of changes, view the full version log.
Jan 07, 2025 02:33 AM