is a private social network that connects users via a wifi or bluetooth network and can then implement very interesting social networking features like identification, user profiles, file sharing and chat.
Connect with people near you on the same wifi or bluetooth network. This is
perfect for a time when people all across the world who have privacy concerns
are interested in forming deeper connections with people in their schools, workplaces,
homes and places they frequent without any unnecessary awkwardness.
Simply change some configuration settings without any coding and voila! – you now have a private social network.
Login and registration
Facebook Login
Firebase database and authentication
AWS SNS (push notifications) and S3 (storage)
Real-time chat
Mesh networking (Multipeer connectivity)
User profiles
Settings page – contact and user information
Cloud file system
Update user status
Connections with other users
Public folders with files that can be shared
In-App purchases
Clean and well documented code
Full source code
Complete documentation to help you setup the app and configure the backend
Some good experience working with Firebase and AWS – platforms that are becoming the standard for mobile backends.
iOS 11+
XCode 10
Swift 4
Firebase account (free)
AWS account (free for one year)
Facebook developer account for Facebook Login
Apple developer account (for In-App purchases, push notifications and app submission)
intermediate level iOS development skill to customize the app for yourself
This app is designed to work with Firebase and AWS –
without them, it cannot function.
This app uses two amazing libraries in its user interface. One is TextFieldEffects which adds dynamism to text fields and AMTooltip to provide tooltips for user interface elements. All their documentation is found in the links provided.