It has 20+ shortcodes and can be easily integrated in your current WordPress website’s theme. The data input can be done via the WordPress admin panel or via the front-end interface of the website.
It has WooCommerce built right in with several monetization models included and you can choose the payment method you prefer.
Also it’s very advanced on the reports side and you can see your sales, customers, expenses with the autos from your auto park, future forecasts, etc.
Also it has many financial tools built right in and integrated in the system like the loan calculator, amortization schedule table, sales reports, upcoming payments (extracted from amortization schedule tables), etc.
Engaging with your potential customers just got to a new level – you can get a list of filter subscriptions (when a user subscribes to a certain criteria of filters in case they are interested in some particular vehicles types or options. i.e. a rear wheel drive coupe with automatic transmission and not older than 3 years).
There’s also a notification center built-in. Ready for SSL secure certificate. Working contact forms, trade-in forms, financial application and pre-qualification form.
It took a lot of time to develop, so we invite you better take a look at the demo we setup for you, so you can see all that by yourself.
Username: demo
Password: demo
Jan 08, 2025 05:48 AM