Business Solutions HTML5 Ads Template
Business Solutions is GWD file
provided 5 most frequently used sizes in the market
1. 336X280
2. 300X250
3. 728X90
4. 160X600
5. 300X600
- Google Web Fonts.
- Custom Replay Button
- Fully Editable
- custom 3 times looping before end of animation
You can use these ad banners for any purpose, just by change content,
text, background image, and logo, it is very easy. you can use this for many more ways.
All files are included for buyers to edit content easily modify content like Background, Logo, Images and text. easily according to requirement.
Feel free to ask any queries, i will welcome to assist
and for another size dont hesitate to ask me, i will provide to you much as you need.
Jan 06, 2025 08:12 AM