Advanced Post Navigator adds awesome “Next and Previous” buttons to all posts and pages. It also displays complete information about the next and previous post in a hover bubble.
Current version 2.1
These are some real world examples of the plugins. There are lot more, but these are some of the best. After purchasing the plugin, send an email or comment to feature your site here.
v2.1 - 10 May 2019 -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Removed old CSS properties from public CSS file. * Added setting to change excerpt extra text. v2.0 - 8 May 2019 ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Added option to show/hide bubble. v1.9 - 12 Sep 2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------- * New additional CSS setting * Added new color picker in admin page. * Using native `wp_is_mobile` function. * Using CSS based arrow positioning. * Fix some PHP errors when further posts are not found. * Moved all links and resources to HTTPS. v1.8 - 12 Apr 2014 --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Added support for full-width featured images. * Featured images are now clickable. * Some code revision. v1.7 - 16 Jan 2014 --------------------------------------------------------------------- * New feature: Hide in mobile device. * Added `wp_reset_query();` to fix wrong post detection. * Fixed hyphenation bug in meta details. * Thumbnails now display without excerpt. * Minor code revision. v1.6 - 22 Nov 2013 --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed issue in clicking arrows in mobile devices. * Added parameters to JS and CSS files to get new changes. v1.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Removed separator being displayed when date is disabled. * Enabled word wrap for excerpt in the pop-up. v1.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Added support for Custom Post Types * Further posts are now shown for "posts" also. v1.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Added option to hide the arrows in specified posts and pages. * Source code revised. v1.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- * JavaScript code is revised. * JavaScript file now stops executing in home page to prevent errors. v1.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Excerpt trimming now works for all languages. * CSS Styling updated for some elements of the plugin. * WordPress notices are fixed. * Plugin now stops displaying in static front page. * Excerpt output code is revised. v1.0 - 27 Dec 2012 -------------------------------------------------------------------- * First release
Complete documentation and FAQs related to this plugin can be seen in this page. Plugin support, bug reporting and feature requests can be done in the Official Aakash Web Forum.
There is a documentation under docs/documentation.html for immediate reference.
This plugin is made by Aakash Chakravarthy. 6 free WordPress plugins were developed which sums a total of 900,000+ downloads. This plugin is the first premium one.